Baby fever

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Context: they're dating
3rd person

Austin and Eteled were sat in bed together with Eteled sitting on Austin's lap. He was on his phone, scrolling through social media while Eteled was casually reading a book.

Austin found a video with a baby on the thumbnail, and clicked on it. It displayed a video of a baby being really stupid, and generally adorable.

The clip ended and the room went silent. It stayed that way for a few seconds before Austin's internal giggling became audible.

Eteled looked up at Austin in confusion.
"You alright there?" He chuckled. Austin nodded profusely.

"What's gotten you so bubbly all of a sudden?" He asked.
"Did you not hear it?" Austin asked, still smiling widely.

"No, I was focused on my book dumbass." He joked. Austin moved in front of him, handing him his phone.

Eteled clicked on the video, and watched the full 30 seconds. Once it ended, Austin started giggling again.

"Let me guess, baby fever?" He asked, chuckling. Austin nodded again. He then shoved Eteled against the mattress.

"I want a babyyy." He whined, making Eteleds face go bright red. Austin was confused for a moment until he realised what he had just said.

"N-Not now! I mean in the f-future-!" He stuttered, embarrassed.
"O-oh! Yeah-! yeah. I just.. mmh." He mumbled awkwardly.

"Just what?" Austin asked, sitting down beside him. Eteled leaned his head against  Austin's shoulder.
"I just.. don't think I'd be that great of a dad." He deadpanned.

"How so?" Austin asked, wrapping an arm around Eteleds waist.
"Cause my dad was a prick. Y'know that one phrase, the abused becomes the abuser. I don't want that." He explained looking away uncomfortably.

"Y'know, you said something similar when I confessed to you."
"Yeah. You said because your dad was shit to your mom you thought that you were gonna be shit to me. But here we are, what? 5-6 years later. And I'm still head over heels for you. So I doubt you'd be as shit as you say." Austin explained, gently kissing Eteled on the forehead.

"Thanks." He chuckled.
"Just stating the facts." Austin smiled.
"I know. But, thanks.. anyway."
"No problem doll."

Bonus (after they finished talking)

Eteled picked up the book from off of the bed, noticing something was missing.
"Shit." He mumbled
"You alright?" Austin asked.
"I lost my page."

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