Eteled's birthday :D

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Context: they're dating
Eteleds pov

I was sat in the mii channel, half zoned out until I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey Aust!" I started.
"Heyy birthday boyy~" He said, gently kissing my neck.
"Hah- how did you know it's my birthday?" I asked, laughing nervously at the beginning of my sentence.
"I have my ways darling~" He replied.

He teleported in front of me, making me jump slightly.
"And I got you something!" He beamed, handing me a small black box with a small light blue ribbon atop of it.

"A gift? How do I know it's not some weird trick?" I asked in a teasing tone.
"Oh come on! I'm not that bad!" He laughed, flicking me in the forehead.
"Fine! Fine!-" I laughed.

I opened the box and pulled out what was inside. I held it in my hand, observing it closely.
It was a necklace.
It was made of black metal chains, with small blue gemstones on the sides.
It had a little blue heart locket at the bottom.
I opened it and saw white writing engraved in it.

It said;
'I love you darling'
written on one half and;
'Always remember that, okay? <3'
On the other.

"I wanted to get something that was actually meaningful that you'd like. It's okay if you don't like it!-" He said.
I continued to observe it closely, feeling my body shake.

No one had ever done this for me.

I felt tears of happiness roll down my face.
"Et? Shit. It- it wasn't that bad, was it? I-I'm sorry- I should've picked something bett-!" He apologised profusely.

I dove into him, hugging him tightly.
"I love you so fucking much." I mumbled, laughing softly. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.
"Love you too, dork." He replied, making me laugh a little.

I pulled away, wiping away my tears and putting the necklace on. Austin smiled at me, kissing my forehead lightly. I giggled, pulling him in for a kiss on the lips. I could tell he wasn't expecting it from the faint, muffled 'mh!' noise he made.

I felt him smile into the kiss, making me smile. After a few moments, I pulled away; feeling his soft lips leave mine. I smiled at him brightly, pulling him into another hug. He pulled me in close, hugging me tightly.

"Love you."
"Love you too, dumbass."

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