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"Granny..." Jungkook call their housemaid softly.
Ms Gracy , a 60 years old lady who's incharge to look after the 7 boys and the house since past few years. All the 7 boys love her like their own family.

Ms Gracy put a stop on her work and turn to Jungkook. She draws her lovely smile to the young man.

"Yes Bunny, what can i do for you?"
she ask him and pat the broad shoulder softly.

"Granny, what should we do if our loves one , want to leave us?" he ask her the question with his hoping eyes.

"Who's going to leave my bunny?"

"Someone .. I love her and I don't want to lose her..."

"Your girlfriend?"

Jungkook shake his head and he wipes his teary eyes.

"So if she's not your girlfriend , she must be your favourite cousin that you always talk me . Am I right?"
Jungkook always told her about his favourite cousin everytime after they meet or have some talk over the phone.

Jungkook nodd his head this time and he can't hold his tears anymore.
He hugs Ms Gracy and cry in the old woman shoulder.

Ms Gracy pat his back warmly and let him burst out his cry.
This is the first time Jungkook come to her crying.

"What should I do Granny, she will leave me soon."

"Did you make her mad bunny? If yes,
say sorry to her, and i'm sure she wont leave you.."

Jungkook suddenly stop his crying and he looks at Ms Gracy eyes, likes he had found his missing clue.

"If I ask God to forgive all her sin, He will not going to take her away from me? " he ask childishly.

"Jungkook... What do you mean by that?"

"Granny, please tell me, He wont take her away right? I just need to help her to ask from the God for the forgiveness right?"

"Jungkook, calm down. Tell me what is happening."

And again Jungkook back to cry and he fell down to the floor.

"She had a cancer Granny, and she will went for the treatment soon.
She said she will only have a month to spend time with me." he start to say out loud his worries.

"and after that she want to focus on her treatment and she doesn't want me to show up in front of her."

Ms Gracy lose her words. She lets Jungkook to talk and cry his heart out.

"I'm going to meet her after this, but I can't cry in front of her. I need to be strong, right Granny?"

Ms Gracy smiles and pull Jungkook into her warm hug.

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