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"Guys, our concept is about thi Wedding Dress not a Robot Fair. We need the wedding vibe over here. YN you had do this kind of concept more than once, why you look so stiff today?" the cameraman keep on mumbling.

YN nod her head again. She cant focus when Hobi is here by her side.

"Bro, maybe she need some rest. We should continue after 10min of break." Hobi break his silence.
Without waiting for the approval, Hobi hold YN hand and force her to follow his step.

Again he walk to the dressing room.
He ask YN to sit on the couch and he went back to the door and lock it.
So no one can enter the room.

YN widen her eyes in shock when Hobi lock the door from the inside.

" What are you trying to do ? " she ask him.

Hobi turn his body to face the scared YN.

" I'm still insane, I wont harm you. " Hobi answer it with a calm eyes and voice.

" Where's Tiara? " Hobi start to ask the question to YN.

" I dont know, she said she had some emergency so she ask me to replace her."

" Who gives you the approval to be in my lines? "

YN put down her head cause she has no answer for the question.

" Should I repeat myself? " Hobi ask her again.

YN shakes her head as a NO.

Hobi smiles with Yn reaction. He doesnt even bother with Tiara because now he had a chance to be together with YN,
But he dont have any idea on what should he talk or how should he say Hi to his dream girl.

The only thing he got in mind is to talk about something related to their work.

" No one give me the approval. " YN answer with a low voice.

" Is that how you works? You know i wont accept any or random models to wear my collection right? " Hobi again try to provoke YN.

YN nod her head again.

" I'm sorry,, but i will do my best to present this collection. " YN still put her head down.

'He really hates me..' YN told to herself.
She hold her hand into a fist to prevent herself from crying.

YN take a deep breath,slowly she raise her head and look at Hobi's eyes.

Hobi froze when he saw those beautiful eyes stares back to him. He lose his words and slowly he makes a step towards Yn.

" and I know you had warn me to stay away from you, I wil makesure this is the first and the last time you have me for your collection. I wont show up in front of you again after this. "
YN hold her own hand tightly, holding herself from the heartache.

Hobi stop from moving forward.

'Is she hurt with my word?
Its not what I mean and she shouldnt be away from me..'

Hobi resume his move and went closer to YN.

When he reach to YN, he gives her his hand.

But YN only looks at his hand without any reaction.

" Takes my hand.." Hobi ask softly.

YN do as she being told without any argument. Hobi hold her hand and help her to get up.

Now they are facing each other but YN need to raise up her head cause Hobi is taller than her.

'This is exactly the feels i had in my dream.'

Hobi makes he silly face to light the mood between them.
Yn laugh in tiny with Hobi unexpected reaction.

Hobi smiles to YN and slowly he fix YN's hair to make it neat.

'I dont want to hurt her, but i cant diretly told her that i love her.
Maybe i should make her to feel comfortable with me first'

"Just imagine that i am the man that you love the most, and today is our big day." Hobi said that softly while his finger run slowly in YN jawline.

At this moment he really want YN to know about his feelings but he cant said it out loud.

'Yes you are. You are the one that I love the most. But am I allowed to love you?' YN question herself.

"Why I should imagine that? " ask Yn.

'please tell me that you love me.'Yn pray in her heart.

'Cause I want you to fall in love with me. '

Hobi hold her chin softly and move his face near to her.

" So we can wrap up this shoot with a good result . "

By hearing the reason from Hobi, Yn bite her lips. She can feel a sharp pain in her heart and its hurt.

'I should know that.. Its not about me. Its only about this photoshoot.'

Hobi can see a changes in YN expression.

'Did my words hurt her again' Hobi trying to guess

'Its just for a shoot YN..' YN try to light up her broken heart.

YN force herself to draw a smile.

'You wont have a chance to meet him again after this YN, take this chance, it can be one of the most beautiful memory that you can hold during your hard days later.'

"Lets do this." YN said it happily with a smile.

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