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Hobi try to calm down himself in the dressing room.

"I almost exposed myself.." Hobi talk to himself alone.

When he saw YN in the set just now, he felt something strange.
She looks so beautiful in the dress , beyond than his imagination.

Honestly his latest collection is inspired by his dream and in that dream , YN was there as his bride, in the most beautiful white dress that he ever seen.
He recreate the dress in his sketch book and he always had YN in his mind wearing that dress.

And he really saw it today.
He try so hard to hold himself from look at YN but he really want to go to her , close to her and listen to her angelic voice.

Fixing the details is just the excuse , he just want to go to YN and accidentally he had YN in his arm.

Hobi smiles when he recall the accident.

"Wait.. She's not the model I pick last time. Where is Tiara? What is YN doing there?" again he talk to himself.

Past few weeks, Jimin had passed him two profile for the 'bride'.
It was Tiara and YN.
Hobi really want to choose YN because he really want to meet her once again , to apologize of his behaviour during the coffee spill accident.
But thinking YN will be pair up with another model as the groom, an uneasy feeling fill his chest so he decide not to choose YN.

Like a fate, Jimin dare him to be a model for his own collection and now YN on the set as the bride.
Thinking of that, Hobi cant stop himself from smiling.

But his smile fade away when someone knock the door.

"Mr Hobi, do you need any help?" Sara show up in case she need to do some touch up on his make-up.

Hobi just shake his head.

"Where is Tiara?" he send a deep stare to Sara.

Sara gulping her saliva.

"She got some emergency, so YN is helping her." Sara answer it slowly.

Hobi walks to Sara and Sara can feel some cold sweat is forming up on her forehead.

Hobi whispering near to Sara ear.

"I need your team to come up with the explaination on this issue. You know i wont accept emergency as an excuse right?" he whisper softly but its sound so firm in Sara hearing.

Sara nod her head fast.

Hobi fix up his suit.

"Lets continue the shoot. I dont want to waste any more time in this set" he said firmly before make his own move.

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