I'm innocent

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Miracle's: POV

I was left alone in kindergarten. Daddy and papa hadn't come. They promised they'd pick me up.

"I can give you a ride home." said Stephenie. "Thank you." I replied. "No problem." she said. I took my backpack and we went to her car. We passed my house on the way. There were three police cars parked outside.

Two policemen came out with two men in handcuffs

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Two policemen came out with two men in handcuffs. He saw me and tears filled my eyes. I opened the door and ran out. I heard Stephenie calling my name. A woman stopped me.

"Hello, what's your name?" she asked. "Miracle Benson." I said. "Nice to meet you, my name is Amanda Rollins." she replied. "Dad and papa promised me to pick me up, but they never came." I sobbed. Amanda gave me a teddy bear. "Your parents has committed a horrible crime." she said. "He's not a killer." I replied.

"We have received reports that your parents have behaved inappropriat towards you. I'm very sorry, I know it's hard to understand." said Amanda. "Daddy." I replied crying. Stephenie picked me up and stroked my hair. I hugged my teddy bear and tears were rolling down my cheeks.


Stephenie and I followed Amanda to the police station. Daddy and papa came in. I wanted to hug them, but Amanda held me back. He gave her a cold glance. "I'm innocent, I'd never hurt my daughter." said Jack. "I bet Scott and Elliot are behind it, they want to frame us." replied Julian.

"Have you told Miracle that her real papa is your stepfather?" asked Amanda. "What?" I asked. "He's not my stepfather anymore." said Jack coldly. Two guards locked them up in a cell. I screamed and cried. "You'll be placed in foster care." she said. "I want daddy and papa." I sobbed. "They're not in good shape to take care of you." said Amanda.

I hate Amanda

I hope you liked the chapter


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