Scott's trial

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Adam's: POV


March 15th 2023: New York

"It's Scott's trial today." reminded Oliver. "I hope the judge sentence him to death." said Jack. "He deserves life in prison." replied Julian. "I hope he never comes out again." said Jack. "I want to live a normal life without, being afraid of being killed." replied Oliver. "Me too." said Emily. "I agree with them." replied Julian. "We'll see what the judge decides." I said. "It's time." replied Oliver.


We arrived at the courtroom and went to our seats. I saw Elliot with his daughter. He gave Scott an ice cold glance. The judge started talking and read the names of all the people he had killed. Scott showed no regrets or emotions.

 Scott showed no regrets or emotions

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"Your punishment is death." said the judge. "Kill me then, I don't care." he replied with a laugh. "Any last word?" asked the judge. "My name will live on forever." said Scott. A man came in and he was holding a syringe. He injected him with the poison. He closed his eyes and his last breath left his mouth. I hugged my kids and my husband. Tears of relief were streaming down our cheeks. One year of terror and our nightmare is finally over.

"Is it over daddy?" asked Emily. "Yes it is." I said with a smile on my face. "I'm happy for your family." replied Elliot. "Thanks, but I'm happy for you too." I said. "For me?" he asked surprised. "You're a free man." I said. "Thank you Adam." replied Elliot. "You're welcome." I said. "We must celebrate this." replied Oliver. "I agree." said Jack. "How about eating at a restaurant?" asked Dani. "Sounds perfect." I replied. "Count me in." said Julian. "Same here." replied Emily.

-End of the flashback-

Their nightmare is finally over. Adam and Oliver family can live in peace now.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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