I'm so proud of you

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Olivia's: POV

I was in a makeup store to buy new makeup. A little girl with purple hair went up to me. "Hey sweetie." I said. "Hey." she replied shyly. "Do you want me to sign your album?" I asked and she nodded. I signed her album and took a picture with her.

"Thank you so much Olivia. You music saved my life and you were there for me when nobody else was." said Avril. "Oh honey." I replied and gave her a hug. "It's okay." she said and I smiled.

Isaac came on the radio and said. "Good morning everyone. Wake up because your crazy DJ is on the air. Now please put your hands together as I play Olivia's new hit single drivers license." he started to sing loudly.

I shook my head and smiled. I went to pay my makeup. "Congrats to your new single." said the girl. "Thank you." I replied. "I love drivers license so much." she said. "I'm glad to hear that." I replied with a smile on my face.

" I replied with a smile on my face

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I went to Starbucks and ordered and ice tea. Adam waved at me and I went to his table. I gave my uncle a hug.

"I'm so proud of you." said Adam. "I can't believe my single is finally out." I replied happily. "I'm so happy for you." he said. "It's a dream come true." I replied. "I know your mom is proud of you as well." said Adam. "She loves the whole album." I replied and he smiled.

"It feels like we finally can live in peace

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"It feels like we finally can live in peace. Scott and Kevin are dead." I said. "Our nightmare is over." replied Adam. "I never thought this day would come." I said. "Same here." he replied.

I'm so happy for Olivia

I hope you liked the chapter


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