You'll be okay

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Elliot's: POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling in my body. I went into Max's room and she was sleeping. I lay my hand on her forehead and gasped. She was very warm. Max opened her eyes and looked weakly at me.

"Daddy." she said. "I'm here." I replied. "I don't feel well." said Max and coughed. I panicked and called 911. I picked her up and ran into the bathroom. I put wet towels on her forehead to cool her down. "You'll be okay honey, the ambulance is on its way." I replied. They arrived after a few minutes and took us to the hospital. This is the worst moment of my life.


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I was sitting in an armchair in the waiting room and tried to calm down. Mom arrived and she hugged me tightly. I cried and cried. A doctor went up to us.

"How's Max, what's wrong with her?" I asked worried. "I think it's best if you sit down." he said. I sat down in the armchair with a worried look on my face. "Max is very ill and she may not survive." said Matt. "Noooo." I screamed heartbreaking. "We do everything we can to save her." he said. "I really appreciate it." I replied.

"You're a strong person Elliot and you're a wonderful dad to Max." said Matt. "Thank you." I replied. Matt gave me a glass of water. I took the glass and drank. "Thank you Matt." said mom and he smiled. "Do you want to sleep here tonight?" he asked. "Yes." I said. He nodded his head and left. I broke down crying.

"I can't lose her mom." I sobbed. "Me either." she said. "If she dies, I'll never be able to forgive myself." I replied. "Eli, it's not your fault." said Dani. "I know." I replied.

I feel for Elliot so much

I hope you liked the chapter


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