The toy store

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Dani's: POV

I walked around in the toy store and looked at the cute clothes. I bought a few clothes and a teddy bear. I couldn't help to spoil Max a little, she's my first grandchild after all.

I ended up buying all the things in the toy store. I bought a Peter Pan doll to her, because she loves him. My phone rang and it was Adam. "Hello Adam." I said. "Are you in the toy store?" he asked. "Yes and I've bought a lot of clothes and toys to Max." I said.

"Don't tell me you've bought up the entire store." he replied. "Of course not, I'd never do that." I said. "Dani." replied Adam. "Okay, I bought up the entire store." I said. "You're incredible." he replied. "I'll take that as a compliment." I said and he laughed.


I drove to the hospital and went into the room. Max was watching Lilo and Stitch on the tv.

"I bought clothes and toys to Max, by the way

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"I bought clothes and toys to Max, by the way." I said. "That was very generously of you." replied Elliot. I showed him the bags and he looked at me. "Mom, are you serious?" he asked. "Do you like it?" I asked. "I love it, thank you so much." he said. "You're so welcome." I replied and he smiled. Max went up to us and she looked at the bag. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw all the toys. Her eyes shone of happiness. I love to see her happy.

"Is everything to me?" she asked. "It's all yours." I said. "Wow." replied Max. She picked up the Peter Pan doll and hugged him. Adam smiled softly. "Poor thing, she probably hasn't had so many toys before." he said. "I hope her dad ends up in jail." replied Elliot. "Thank you grandma." said Max and hugged me. "You're so welcome honey." I replied.


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