Beanfest Part 2

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With our supplies in hand, we were sent to our starting points throughout the campus. The farmers were equipped with beans to throw at monsters, while the monsters were given boots to increase their running speed.

I stationed myself near the woods beside the main campus when a familiar voice caught my attention, "My, my, this is a lovely surprise."

I greeted, "Hey, Azul."

"What do you say the two of us become a team? We're increasing our chances of success this way."

"You sure you want to stick with me? I practically have a large target on my back."

This morning, as Coach Vargas explained the rules of Beanfest, I overheard several people from the farmers team forming premature alliances and formulating plans to have me captured. They all involved a not so surprising "surprise" attack and ambushing me when I was alone. I could only call their actions cowardly.

"At the end of the day, everyone's a target. From my previous experience, having dependable allies and playing smart are the most important components of Beanfest."

I nodded, "Alright, call me your teammate."

"Wonderful!" he smiled, "Now, I have prepared some ideas that if we properly execute them, the monster team will win for sure."

Azul's motivation towards the game seemed a little strange, "Are you pumped up because Coach Vargas will give extra PE credit to the winning team and your grade-"

"Let's not talk about that," he adjusted his glasses, "What we need to talk about is strategy."

It was a given the beginning of the game would be a brawl, especially at team supply stations. While the opposing team is unarmed and out in the open, it provided the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack. The further the day dragged on, the more desperate people would become and the less organized their movements would be. 

If we wanted to win, we needed to work smart. As long as we set ourselves up properly from the beginning, the rest of the day would be smooth sailings.

I almost began to think my training sessions with Savanaclaw and Diasomnia had become a little too effective. 

The alarm to signal the start of the game went off.

From where we stood, the nearest supply point near one of the Great Seven's status on the main street. While Azul led the way, I continuously monitored our surroundings from all sides. Fortunately, we managed to get through the woods without attracting the attention from farmers.

Keeping ourselves hidden behind the thick tree trunks, we caught sight of the monster supply crate between the statues of the Fairy of Thorns and the Beautiful Queen.

From one side of the street, a white haired figure approached. Jack. And he was alone.

Horrible decision from the start.

Unless he somehow managed to get the supplies at lightning speed before the farmers came, his only option of staying in the game would be to retreat. With his incredible athleticism, there was no doubt in Jack being a strong contender. At the same time, this also made him an extremely likely target for the farmer team. 

Right now, he would be live bait. 

Jack sniffed the air and scanned his surroundings, "I know you're there, farmers. Get out here and face me!"

"I have to hand it you. Your sense of smell never ceases to impress," Vil approached with two Savanaclaw students on each side of him, as if they were the dorm leader's bodyguards.

Judging by the look on his face, Jack knew he was at a numeric disadvantage.

He decided to bolt towards the main school building, but Vil and his Savanaclaw allies would not let him off the hook so easily. The farmer group chased after Jack, leaving the monster supply crate completely unguarded.

A smile crept up on my face.

After ensuring the coast was clear, Azul and I quickly bolted towards the box.

Once we opened it, I thought we stumbled on some kind of treasure chest. Two magical camo jackets, field scanner goggles which showed positions of the teams at set intervals, a grabbing arm that would increase in size, and a pair of ear pieces. At the bottom of the crate, a bow caught my attention. Upon closer inspection, I realized this bow was not meant to shoot arrows, but nets to capture farmers.

With the two of us fully equipped and our next course of action planned out, we moved towards the school's main campus.


Azul and I finally cornered Jack in one of the school's exterior hallways. His face was plastered with shock and confusion once he saw me, "Seriously, Cassie? You're teaming up with the double-dealing Dorm Leader of Octavinelle?"

"Oh please," Azul rolled his eyes, "if anything, your dorm leader is just as duplicitous as I am. We came here to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?"

"With your skillful diversion on Vil's band of farmers, Cassie and I were able to acquire supplies."

"You slimy little- you made me pay the price while you scored the goods?!"

"Jack, in this game, you're better off in a group," I reminded him, "If you keep acting alone, especially without weapons, you're bound to get yourself caught by an army of farmers. Let's team up."

"Thanks, Cassie, but no thanks," he folded his arms over his chest, "I'll lone wolf this one. I can handle myself just fine."

I sighed in disappointment, "If you say so, "I then turned to Azul, "Shall we shout out Jack's location to test his theory?"

Jack's eyes widened in surprise, "You're blackmailing me?"

"No, I'm giving you an opportunity at surviving this game."

Azul chuckled, "Couldn't have said it better myself, Cassie."

If we kept Jack in the game, he would be one of the key players to ensuring the monster team's victory. With his superior sense of hearing and smell, it would allow us to quickly spot and attack farmers long before they knew we were nearby.

After Azul and I showed Jack the weapons we acquired, and bargained to equip him with supplies as well, he agreed to team up with us, "I have one condition though: I will not be bossed around."

"We need to work together," I quickly fixed my hair into a side braid, "Now gentlemen, I believe we have some farmers to catch."

"Judging by that sparkle in your eye, you have someone in mind," Azul observed.

I removed my bow from over my shoulder and made sure it was locked and loaded, "There's one person in particular I'd like to get rid of, but we'll just have to wait and see if our paths cross."

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