Sick Day Part 3

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"What was that you were saying about not getting sick often?" Malleus looked me over.

"I'm fine," my voice came out soft and scratchy, "I'm not sick."

"Silver and Sebek's conditions improved overnight while yours deteriorated. As of this morning, I've brought you back to bed three times. You are not fine."

"It's just a little sore throat and fever. You're making mountains out of molehills," my laughter became a cough.

"Whether it's a cold or a papercut, you need to rest."

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. I don't want to get you sick or be a burden to you."

I attempted to get up, but my body felt too tired to even lift a finger. My head pounded with any sudden movements. Malleus placed his hands on my shoulders and carefully laid me back down.

"A burden is something undesired placed on a person for them to carry, no matter how much they protest against it," the blankets he covered me with stopped the wave of chills from traveling further. He sat himself on the bed, "You, Cassandra, will never be a burden to me."

Back home, I recalled the times I kept my illnesses hidden from my family. I secretly made all of my medicines and kept an inventory in my room underneath the floorboards. Thank the Great Seven I never once ended up in the hospital.

In comparison, anytime my brother got sick was like some kind of tragedy. My father would bring out his medicinal reserves and bring some of his doctor friends to our house to personally treat the "poor, sick" boy. Cassiano once ended up in the hospital for nearly a week because they believed his appendix was inflamed. In reality, he ate some mushrooms from the woods he should not have.

"The ghosts already notified your teachers you won't be attending classes today. Sebek will pick up your assignments after school," he said, "Grim also told Ashengrotto you won't be coming to work."

I did not dare envision my familiar talking with the Octavinelle Dorm Leader and the eel twins by his side.

I reminded him, "Shouldn't you be in school though, mister? I don't think it's appropriate for the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns to skip his studies just to take care of some sick girl."

"Don't worry about my studies. And you're not just 'some sick girl.' Now, will you allow me to care for you, please?"

I looked into his soft, pleading gaze.

Curses. Grim taught Malleus the puppy eyes.

I knew he was going to keep insisting, no matter how much I was against it. I truly would be okay on my own. I always have been. Then again, maybe it would not be so bad being cared for.

I groaned in defeat, "Alright, fine! Since you asked nicely, you can stay."

He smiled in victory, "Good. Now," he tucked me in and readjusted my pillows, "Your feet are to remain off the floor until I return. Understood?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, sir."


With Cassie asleep in bed, Malleus began to consider his next step.

Too many thoughts were running through his mind on what to do.

He knew Cassie would manage on her own, but something within him commanded that he stayed with the witch. The idea to leave her alone did not sit well.

"Quick question, and I mean no offense by this, but...have you ever taken care of a sick person before?" Grim asked.

Malleus' silent answer said enough.

As long as he could remember, the Crown Prince had always been cared for. Even the rare days when he was sick and in bed, he was constantly monitored. He never imagined the day would come that he would be responsible for the health of another individual.

However, he remained hopeful. He had observed enough from Cassie caring for others and her work in the kitchen.

The only problem was he would have to do it without her guidance.

Regardless, it did not appear too difficult of a task.

Grim then suggested, "You know what'll make her feel really good? Some soup."

"Will that aid her recovery?"

Grim nodded, "It's easy on the stomach and it'll help Cassie get better faster."

With the familiar's advice, Malleus walked over to Cassie's living room bookshelf and skimmed through her large collection of journals until he finally came across he recipe book.

After consulting with Grim on the various recipes to make, they selected a simple chicken and rice soup with thyme. With all of their ingredients gathered and Malleus in his proper cooking attire, they could get to work.

Grim read the instructions, "The first thing you gotta do is wash the rice."

"I wash...the rice?" Malleus reached for the dish soap, but Grim slapped his hand.

"Not like that, silly goose! You fill the bowl with water, swoosh the rice around, and then you carefully drain the water out. You do this until the water runs clear."

"Why do you need to wash the rice?"

"That way it's not super starchy when you cook it."

Under Grim's guidance, Malleus eventually succeeded in putting together the soup. Though there were a couple of hiccups in the cooking process, Malleus quickly bounced back and managed to put together a dish Cassie would hopefully enjoy.

While the soup simmered, Malleus wondered what he should do next. He then recalled the potion Cassie made for Silver and Sebek.

He looked over all of the ingredients and noticed one of them was missing.

"We need rain water," he told Grim.

"Well then, you best go out and buy some."

Malleus found the idea slightly redundant, "I could use my magic to cause it to rain."

"No! You can't that!"

"Why not?"

"If you use magic on nature, even to summon some rain, it's going affect the medicine."

Magic comes with two things: a price and a footprint. Whenever a spell is casted, no matter how big or small, a trace is always left behind. This trace of magic can sometimes affect things in their environment, like making the air seem slightly warmer.

In comparison to a plant grown the old fashioned way, one grown with magic may be unpredictably potent and potentially dangerous. The magic might aid the plants in growing faster, but it will alter the plant's properties, like those used in medicine and spells. Because of this, witches discouraged magic to be used to manipulate the natural forces.

If magical use on natural life was required, modifications would need to be made on the potion making process so the potency of the product and the safety of the individual would not be compromised.

Malleus nodded in understanding, "So that's why Cassie grows everything she stirs in her cauldron."

"In the case she does use her magic to grow her herbs, she waits until her magic has completely worn off."

"How long would that take?"

Grim shrugged, "Minutes, hours, days, weeks, who knows? Point is, she never uses her magic with her ingredients unless she absolutely has to."

Malleus began to walk towards Ramshackle's exit, "In that case, I'll return momentarily from the student store."

"Don't catch a cold while you're out there!" Grim shouted, "I can't take care of the both of you!"

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