Glorious Masquerade Part 5

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After we spent a couple more hours freely roaming the city, we regrouped at the main plaza to meet up with everyone else from Night Raven College. The Topsy Turvy Festival was about to begin.

With the main event about to take place, it was also time for us to put on the masks we were provided along with our outfits. That was the entire point of Topsy Turvy after all, anyone could be anybody without giving away their true identities.

Not to mention, the masks each student wore perfectly matched with their outfit. Some would cover the area around their eyes while some only a portion of their face. Along with my outfit, I was ecstatic to bring my golden mask with red roses around it back home.

I could already imagine the massive celebration that would take place. There was a large orange tent over the stage in the center, where the main performance would take place. Around the plaza were dozens of more smaller tents each putting on their own numbers. There was a man on stilts, greeting the crowd below from their impressive height.

I noticed the color fade away from Azul's face at the sight of an individual walking on a tightrope high above the ground.

"Walking on land is one thing, but walking in the sky...what would happen if they fell?"

I pointed out, "There's a net beneath to catch them. I'm sure they're also trained very well."

"Still, seeing them...that high off the ground," he removed his black gloves from his hands, "it just makes my palms sweat."

Our attention was diverted by a crowd gathering around a group of students.

Of course Royal Sword Academy would be capable of capturing the attention of a whole city. Especially since Neige LeBlanche was in attendance. Riddle even spotted one of his childhood friends, Chen'ya, in the group. Unlike Night Raven College, they did not wear any elegant clothes for the festival, but stuck with their school uniforms. Inspecting all of the other faces of Royal Sword Academy, my gaze met with someone else's. Lucas. The fencing captain quickly diverted his attention anywhere except me.

I kept my laughter to myself. The knight in shining armor truly was afraid of one little, witch.

When an individual dressed in a purple and yellow jester costume took his place on the center stage, Mr. Trein instructed us to each find a seat. Unfortunately, all of the available spaces were occupied by my friends.

"Cassie, you can take my seat," Jamil offered. "I'll find someplace else."

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine on my own," I walked away from the group.

I maneuvered my way through the crowd of other magic students and city locals before I finally managed to find an empty picnic table to sit at, just a few arm lengths away from the main stage.

Goosebumps traveled down my arms at the voice beside me, "Is this seat taken?"


I forced a smile, "No, go ahead."

Why didn't I lie?

"How are you enjoying the City of Flowers, Cassandra?" Though a small amount of space separated us, it was too close for my liking.

"It's quite lovely," I readjusted myself in my seat. "The people are so sweet, the food is delicious, and the festival looks like a lot of fun."

"Believe me when I say this is the most rambunctious time of the year here in the city." There was almost what appeared to be a  hint of disgust in his tone.

"Do you not enjoy it?"

"I prefer my time alone, but I attend this event because it's required for the student council president."

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