Yasmina Fireworks Finale

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The Yasmina Fireworks Festival was not only an opportune moment to boost tourism in the Land of Hot Sands, but also criminal activity. Jamil warned us thieves would slither their way through the market crowds, pickpocketing anyone they could. For that reason,  I carried my wallet in a thigh holster underneath my dress.

Along with stealing, tourists needed to be wary of the many forms scammers could come in. They could be merchants selling fake goods at ridiculously high prices or individuals claiming to have certain skills they do not actually possess.

Accompanied by Kalim and Malleus, I managed to find the couple the palm reader saw before me. Of course, when I told them the situation, they did not believe me in the beginning. They were under the impression I was some other con artist or an accomplice for another merchant. However, the girlfriend recognized my triple moon mark once I showed it to them.

"I've always wanted to learn more about witches," she explained, "When I saw the mark on his hand, I didn't think too much of it. I thought men were also born with it."

"There never has been and there never will be."

Warlocks, men who practice witchcraft, did not receive all of the perks witches did. For example, they lacked the company of familiars and the presence of any sort of symbol. Whether it was drawn or tattooed, if a warlock or wizard chose to get the mark of the triple moon or anything else related to witchcraft it was believed to bring bad luck.

If you're going to scam someone, be very thorough in your research.

"So...none of the things he said were true?" there was hope in the man's voice.

I shook my head, "If you'd like, I can give you a proper palm reading session." The man began to rummage through his wallet, but I refused to accept any form of payment. Still, the couple were persistent in compensating me in some way, shape, or form.

After much deliberating back and forth, the couple gave me a container of lokum, a traditional dessert, they bought in exchange for an accurate palm reading from me.

With the girlfriend's hand in mine, I began to tell her the meaning of each one of her lines, which was the complete opposite of what the 'palm reader' told them. The more I continued, the more I could feel her relaxing. I only noticed the anger rising from the man beside her.

Once I finished, the couple gave me their thanks and the girlfriend tightly hugged me, "Thank the universe for the existance of witches."

"Make sure that you let everyone else know to stay away from that stall," I instructed.

The girlfriend nodded and left with her man, arm-in-arm.

"It's great what you did, but what exactly was your plan?" Kalim wondered.

I motioned towards a group of chattering people pointing in the direction of the palm reader. "It's already happening."

One of the first lessons I was taught in training with Diasomnia was to use my environment to my advantage. Even though I may not be familiar with it, even the smallest detail could give me leverage over my opponent.

While I despised large crowds, they would assist me today in my mission.

All it took was for my conversation to be heard by a group of locals, who told some other bystanders, who told their friends, who told a shop owner, and the chain continued. Soon, I was approached by several people, asking to confirm what the palm reader told them.

There was joy in their faces when I gave them an accurate palm reading. Naturally, there were a few who refused to believe the reading I gave them, simply because I was younger and therefore lacked experience. Still, the majority decided to take my word.

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