For the Reader

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What's it like being the only girl at an all-boys school?

I can describe it as a lot of things, but 'boring' will never be one them.

Although the majority of the time I'm dragged into problems a certain someone expects me to solve, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

So much happened before I became the person I am today.

Before I became a fairy.

Before I became Lady Cassandra Vitale of the Valley of Thorns.

To use Cater's words, before the Mallassandra ship sailed.

All of the chaos and magic in my life as a student at Night Raven College could not fit into a single page. There's too many stories to tell and not enough time to tell them.

Now, I think it's time I shared all those stories with you.

Grab your popcorn and get comfortable, you're in for a wild ride.


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