Glorious Masquerade Part 3

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On second thought, Noble Bell College was the worst campus to sketch. There were no students laughing on their way to class. There was no unique architecture or natural landscape. There was nothing that stuck out to the eye. No matter where anyone looked, it all seemed the same.

It was all...bland.

After a few minutes of searching, my hopes began to rise.

A group of students from Royal Sword Academy decided that very moment was perfect to host a sparring session. Two boys stood in their ready positions while the others encircled them. Their blades were much thinner compared to the ones I used with Silver and Sebek.

Keeping my sketchbook close, I walked towards them. "Excuse me, gentlemen?"

"Well, well, buenos dias!" the blonde haired boy in the center greeted with a flashy smile, "Are you lost?"

"I see you're about to have a sparring match. I wanted to know if it's okay for me to draw you."

Mr. Pearly Whites looked to the other guys around him, who all nodded in approval, "By all means, go ahead. You can draw me tearing Cedric over here to ribbons," he pointed his sword at his opponent.

Cedric laughed, "You wish, Lucas!"

Once I found a good spot for myself, the match began.

Nothing too exciting happened in the beginning, the two boys kept mocking one another, wondering who was going to attack. Finally, Lucas made the first blow towards his opponent and my hand got busy outlining.

Unfortunately, the match was over in just a few seconds, but Cedric refused to accept defeat. As soon as the sword flew out of his hand, he would immediately retrieve it and he would start again.

"Come on, Cedric! What's up with you today?" Lucas teased. "Have you lost your touch?"

Cedric replied, "Something feels off."

Without looking up from my work, I commented, "Your feet are too far apart, your grip on your sword is too tight, and your knees are locked out."

"I didn't know you were an expert in swordsmanship...or rather, sword-ladyship," Lucas leaned on his sword. "What else does that pretty mind of yours know?"

"I definitely wouldn't call myself an expert," I closed my book and set it to the side, "I just make sure to remember the basics."

"In that case, would you care to demonstrate?" Lucas gestured for me to join him in the ring.

"Gladly," I took off my jacket, rolled up my sleeves, and tied my hair back into a ponytail.

Lucas motioned for his original opponent to hand his sword over to me. It was much lighter than the weaponry I accustomed myself with, but it felt natural to hold.

I twirled the sword beside me, then to to the front and to the back, warming up my wrist.

"Let's finish this swiftly," Lucas ran his fingers through his golden locks before he got himself into his position. "Can someone time us?"

"I got it!" one of the boys took out his phone. "Ready when you are."

I taunted at Lucas, "Ladies first."

The student's first few strikes were too simple for me to predict. After a few failed attempts at getting a hit on me, his attacks began to quicken, but I continued to block them. This match was not heading in any direction. I had to make him lose the will to continue.

"You fight almost as well as a man!" Lucas said in amazement.

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you!" I pressed myself against my sword to push him away from me.

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