Yasmina Fireworks Part 1

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Every year, the Land of Hot Sands hosted the Yasmina Fireworks Festival. While the festivities attracted visitors from far and wide, it was also an opportunity for vendors to boost their businesses. Whether someone was a local or a tourist, it was an event not to be missed.

Grim and I had been invited by Jamil and Kalim to take part in the festivities. However, my familiar made up his mind and decided to stay home and offered his spot to Malleus.

Apparently, Grim made plans with Lucius, Mr. Trein's cat, to have a 'guy's weekend.' Their itinerary included activities like eating, sleeping, and watching movies. Though he and I had been apart in the past, I attempted to convince him to come along. He and I never got opportunities to travel together. No matter how much I tried, he insisted he would be alright on his own and I should enjoy myself on this trip.

My dormitory's ghosts also promised to keep Grim out of any mischief.

Of course, Grim gave me an extensive set of rules I was expected to follow. Such rules included that I not allowed to talk to any other boys and get sick. Once he finished, I joked and said he should talk to Riddle about transferring to Heartslabyul.

The days leading up to the trip seemed to pass slower than usual. The night before, I could hardly sleep from my excitement. Miraculously, I managed to go to sleep and wake up the following day full of energy. I did not even need my usual morning cup of coffee.

After I gathered my belongings, I met with Trey and Cater, who would also be coming along on the trip, in the Mirror Chamber. Not too long afterwards, Jamil and Kalim joined us.

"Cassie, where's Grim?" Trey asked, "Is he sleeping in?"

"He said he wasn't feeling too good, so he's staying behind," I lied. "I promised to get him some souvenirs though." Not a lie at all.

"Well, all we gotta do is wait for Lilia and then we're outta here," said Cater.

Our enthusiasm for the trip was clear as day. Jamil and Kalim were looking forward to spending some time with their families and returning to their home country. Trey wanted to taste some of the local food and possibly learn some new recipes. Cater hoped to snap some Magicam worthy pictures.

I, on the other hand, was looking forward to simply being there.

I got to experience other worlds through nonna Simona's travel stories and my fantasy books. While reading the details of fictious places or my grandmother's descriptions, I could imagine myself being in other places. While my short trip to the Rose Kingdom for the World Witchcraft Conference at Genovia did take me outside of Sage Island, I did not get the chance to see the country. I did not get to experience the culture, learn its history, interact with the people, or try out the local cuisine. I wanted to see it all. And this trip would be the perfect start.

Before the group could begin to become impatient, the doors to the Mirror Chamber creaked as they opened. They all expected to see Lilia, but froze at the surprising figure approaching.

"Good morning, Malleus," I cheerfully greeted.

"Good morning, Cassandra," he looked to the group, "I hope you all are doing well."

Cater tried to peer behind Diasomnia's Housewarden, "Where's Lilia?"

"He was feeling unwell since last night so he offered me his spot on the trip. He said it would be a valuable opportunity for me to broaden my knowledge."

Kalim then asked, "What about Silver and Sebek? Shouldn't they be coming with you?"

"This time, I'll be going on my own."

Whether it was the fact Malleus would be travelling without his bodyguards or coming on this trip in Lilia's place left the guys at the complete loss for words.

I failed to see what the issue was.

Malleus was under constant supervision by Lilia, Silver, Sebek, or a combination of the three. It would only be when he and I were alone that I would see no sign of his retainers. Then again, perhaps they remained hidden from my view. Regardless, Malleus deserved some time to himself. He may be the future king of the Valley of Thorns, but at the end of the day, he was still a person. He may want some time to alone just as much as he wanted to be in the company of others.

Like me, Malleus never got the opportunity to see other lands besides his own. In the past, he told me he once mentioned about visiting another country only to cause a ruckus in his castle. Since then, he kept quiet about his desires to travel.

Now, here was the perfect opportunity for him to experience a new culture without being disturbed.

Despite the curveball thrown at the group, Kalim's brightness never dimmed, "I'm a little bummed Lilia couldn't come along, but I'm sure this will be a great experience for you Malleus. Looks like we'll need plenty of souveneirs for Lilia and Grim."

"Hold on a minute!" Jamil interjected, "Kalim, Malleus is royalty from the Valley of Thorns. Without Lilia or any of his guards, what'll we do if something happens to him? It could turn into a diplomatic issue."

"You worry too much. I'm not that weak," Malleus reassured him.

While I understood Jamil's concern for the Crown Prince's safety while in attendance, I sided with Malleus. This would be an overnight trip. Who could possibly attempt anything in a span of twenty four hours targeting the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns? Not to mention, that particular Crown Prince would be in the company of the future head of the wealthiest family in the Land of Hot Sands. That particular family is also hosting the festival and is unaware their son is bringing a member of royalty into their home.

Any efforts taken to sabotage Malleus would be met with deadly repercussions.

"You're right....but..."

"What's the matter, Viper? Am I causing trouble for you?" there was no agitation in Malleus' voice. Rather, there was empathy.

"N-No! Of course not! I'm very honored to have you visiting our hometown...it's just that...."

Disappointment showed on Malleus' face, "I thought I was being invited, but I allowed my wishful thinking to get the best of me."

"That's not true."

A low rumble of thunder was heard from outside followed by the pitter-pattering of rain. I could only imagine the grey clouds filling the previously clear and sunny skies. I could also imagine the confusion on the faces of students as they stepped outside to find a thunderstorm with no warning.

"Come on, Jamil," I tried to persuade him, "Whether he's of royal status or not, he's our schoolmate who's just as excited to go on this trip as we all are. I say he comes."

From the my peripheral vision, I noticed a slight smile appearing on Malleus' face. The sound of the rainfall became lighter.

Kalim joined in, "You don't need to take this so seriously, Jamil. I just want to bring my friends to our hometown."

Realizing he would most likely make things worse for the group and himself, Jamil caved.

Trey quietly laughed, "It's rare to see Jamil stutter in an argument."

With all of our belongings on hand and the Dark Mirror ready to take us to our destination, the boys began to individually step through. First went Jamil, then Kalim, then Cater, then Trey. Malleus offered his hand to me and the two us stepped into a mystical land of magic and sand.

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