Beanfest Part 1

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Once upon a time, there existed a place known as Happy Valley. Crops of every kind covered the land, which brought great joy and prosperity to the people.

While they valued their crops, their most treasured item was a magical harp which helped bring happiness to the farmers and allowed the plants to grow.

One day, a giant invaded the village out of his jealousy for the people's welfare and stole the magic harp for himself. All of the crops began to die and the people went hungry.

In an effort to stay afloat, all of the farmers would find anything to borrow, trade, or sell.

One of these farmers traded his horse for a handful of beans. Hoping to provide for his family, he planted the beans in his backyard. The following morning, he was amazed at the immense beanstalk that reached beyond the clouds.

The farmer climbed the beanstalk and found himself in the land of giants. There, he snuck into the home of the giant who stole their harp and took their precious instrument back. The giant saw the sneaky farmer and began to chase after him.

The farmer quickly climbed down the beanstalk. Once he reached the bottom, he took his axe and chopped it down. As the beanstalk collapsed, the giant fell along with it.

With the harp back in its rightful place, the lush scenery and the spirits of the people in Happy Valley were restored.

The story taught us two things: if someone steals something was is rightfully yours, you steal it back. And when someone wrongs you, get them back twice as hard.


"Oh woe...oh, grief! The misery!" Sebek wailed, "Why must the fates test me so cruelly?!"

Silver and I tried to quiet him down, but somehow it seemed his cries of agony only grew in volume.

Lilia came towards us, "What's all the hullaballoo, one lady and three gentlemen?"

I shrugged, "Beats me. Malleus told us he was on the farmer team and..." I motioned to Sebek who was starting to tear up, "I think he needs a hug."

Silver said, "What he needs is to not throw a temper tantrum because he didn't make it on Malleus' team."

"How dare you?!" Sebek's anger towards Silver was evident in his glare, "Don't get cocky just because you made it into the same team as Malleus."

"We drew lots for our teams, remember?" I reminded him.

"Cassie, which team are you on?" Lilia asked.

"The monster team."

"As am I!" Lilia cheerfully replied, "Sebek, are Cassie and I not good enough teammates for you?"

Sebek stammered, "Wh-sir! I would never dream of implying that...I'm greatly honored to have the privilege of following a warrior as renowned as yourself into battle, of course," Sebek could barely hold eye contact with me, "And...I know your skills are extremely impressive, Cassie."

"You should enjoy it, Sebek," I encouraged him, "At the end of the day, we're all friends."

Lilia agreed, "It's true. You don't get many opportunities to turn your blade upon a king. If it helps, consider it training. Like Cassie said, you should enjoy yourself to the fullest."

"Yes, sir!" Sebek straightened out his posture, "But I swear upon my life I would never turn a blade upon my lord!"

"As for you, Silver," Lilia turned to the other Diasomnia student, "This event should make for fine royal guardsman training. Give it your fullest effort."

"Yes, sir," Silver gave a nod, "Nothing will happen to our lord on my watch."

Though most of my friends were on the opposing team, I was excited with the teammates I had on the monster team.

Since magic is not allowed during Beanfest, it all came down to a battle of smarts. Someone could be the fastest and strongest out there, but without a good plan and strategy, failure would be guaranteed.

"Just for the record I plan to go after Malleus quite aggressively," Lilia said, "I'll show you why they used to call me the Phantom Commander back in the Valley of Thorns."

"Then, I'll have to be quick on my feet to avoid getting apprehended right at the start," Malleus' gaze focused on me, "Are you certain you want to participate tomorrow, Cassandra?"

"And leave all the fun to you boys?" I shook my head, "I don't think so."

Coach Vargas expressed the same concern when I handed him the list of the team members in Mr. Crewel's class.

I was not certain what exactly he was worried about: the fact that I am a girl participating in  a physical, contact game or that I could potentially hand over everyone's rear ends in no time flat.

"I'm intrigued as to how a lady will perform in tomorrow's game."

"I'll have you know," I folded my arms over my chest and slowly closed the distance between us, "ladies can do everything a guy can, and better."

He chuckled, "I look forward to seeing it in action."

"You will," I turned around and began to walk out of the dorm, but something felt was missing, "Malleus?"

"Yes, Cassie?"

I motioned towards the dormitory's exit, "Will you...walk me back to my dorm?"

"Should I?"

"You always walk me back to my dorm after dark."

"You're willing to entrust your safety to your enemy?" a mischevious smile appeared on his face.

"We're not enemies until tomorrow," I looked at him in the most innocent way, "Pretty please?"

A soft smile on appeared on his face before he walked towards me, linked his arm with mine, and walked me out of Diasomnia.

"Thank you," I softly told him.

His fingers gently clasped around mine, "I don't think you need it, but best of luck tomorrow."

"You as well," I gave his hand a light squeeze, "Don't allow Lilia to catch you."

"I'll save that honor for you."

I placed a hand to my chest, "I get to capture el dragone, rotolo alla canella, Malleus Draconia?! What an honor!"

He bent down to reach my level and whispered, "If you can keep up with me, that is."

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