Wedding Bells Part 5

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The once blue sky welcomed by one of darkness and silver stars.

In the designated wedding venue of Night Raven College's Cafeteria, dozens of ghosts gathered to witness the union between Princess Eliza and Idia Shroud. The students, who were sent to attempt to steal the princess' love, were now part of the audience.

At the altar, Princess Eliza stood and beside her was Idia Shroud, now dressed in a midnight tuxedo and restrained by ropes.

"Do you, Idia Shroud, take Princess Eliza to be your lawful wedded wife?" the official in between them spoke, "To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse, in sickness, and in health?"

"I'm so sick of this," Floyd whined, "Just kiss her already so we can go home."

Lilia joined in, "Oh, yes. My back is quite stiff from standing for so long. Give the princess a good peck on the lips while the going gets good."

"Are you demons now?!" Idia exclaimed, "Giving her a 'good peck' is the last thing I want to do!"

The students then began to chant, "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!"

Eliza giggled, "My prince, you and I shall live happily ever after." She was about to pull him in for a kiss, but she felt something amiss.

The air in the room suddenly became colder. Some of the decorations were carried away and the candles were put out by the strong gust of wind that blew threw. Thorny brambles began to slither across the walls like snakes.

The doors creaked open. There she was. The witch dressed in red.

"Cassie!" the paralyzed students exclaimed in joy.

She slowly walked towards the shocked assembly, the heels of her shoes clicking against the stone floors. The magic radiating from her would make anyone second guess their next move. The ghosts remained in their places, unsure whether they should prepare an ambush on the girl or let her pass.

"Well, well," she looked around the venue with a most wicked smile, "Quite a glittering assemblage, Princess Eliza. I must say, I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation."

Lilia chuckled, "Gentlemen, I think we're in for a show."


"You weren't welcomed," Eliza glared in my direction, "How dare you stop my precious wedding?!"

The amount of security present on campus exceeded my expectations. I had to put on a pitiful act so I could be granted entry into the building. Once inside, one of the guards recognized me and immediately called for back up. From there, it was a game of cat and mouse, but I had the upper hand. I knew every twist and turn of each hallway. I knew shortcuts and hidden passages. After I lost the ghosts from my trail, I could finally make my way to the wedding.

It was just in time too. There was less than thirty minutes before midnight.

"This isn't a wedding, this is a hostage situation," I corrected.

"Hostage?! What do you mean by that?" she tightly hugged her groom, "Idia is my one and only love!"

"You've taken Idia against his will and carried through this ceremony despite his protests, which makes him a hostage. Did he even accept your proposal?"

A guard beside Alexander spoke, "You dare threaten a princess in the presence of her guards, witch?!"

"I'm not threatening the princess, I'm educating her," I allowed my magic pulsate through me and a shimmering orb of white light appeared in my palm, "Now, if anyone else has something they'd like to say, I'll send them over to the other side!" the guards flinched back at my raise in tone, "That was a threat, see the difference?" I heard the suppressed laughter coming from some of my friends. I wiped off the concealer from my chest and with a grin, I said, "And for the record, I'm not just any witch...I'm the Queen of the Witches."

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