Glorious Masquerade Part 6

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The night sky and the last ring of the Bell of Salvation brought the Topsy Turvy festival to a close. All of the tents began to be taken down and the performers put away their materials.

Malleus looked around the dispersing crowd. He then asked a student from Noble Bell College, "Where's Flamm?"

"He returned to the school," they replied, "He said there were some final preparations he needed to put in place, but he'll meet everyone there."

With the guidance of some other Noble Bell students, Night Raven College and the other magical schools in attendance were guided back to the school grounds and into the lecture hall where we arrived. There was still no sign of the student council president.

"Why would we be gathered here so late?" Epel asked no one in particular, "Shouldn't we be going to bed?"

Rook shrugged, "Maybe he wants to confirm the itinerary for tomorrow."

Some other students discussed the possible reasons why everyone was gathered at this hour while the student council president was absent.

A distinct, booming noise made everyone cease their chatter. The ringing of the Bell of Salvation.

Riddle told me the bell only rang in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The last time it rang was during the festival.

On instinct, my hand found it's way to hold onto my crystal.

Idia spotted a singular crimson flower, which almost resembled a fire, at the end of the hall.

It seemed a couple of other students took notice. Lucas and Neige LeBlanche from Royal Sword Academy went to pick off the flower, but their bodies began to sway from side to side when they touched it. Immediately, they collapsed to the ground.

The spell rapidly passed to other students who were nearby, each one of them falling over like dominoes. What was my greatest worry was the alarming rate the fire flowers were spreading throughout on the walls and floor of the room.

We all scurried in our own separate directions, trying to find an area where these flowers would not bloom. I briefly glanced behind me and noticed the flowers were wrapping around Malleus' legs. His eyes were slowly starting to close and his body had begun to lax. With my magic, the flowers undid themselves from his legs, allowing Silver and Sebek to aid to their lord and master.

I looked again to see where everyone was. Malleus, Silver, Sebek, and Deuce were on one side of the room. Riddle, Idia, Azul, and Ruggie were on the other. Jamil, Mr. Trein and Epel were on the third side while I was on my own.

My magic coursed through me as I took another look at the flowers.

Crimson flowers were supposed to be a myth. 

During my student aide period, I noticed the majority of plants we were taught about contributed to the magical abilities of an individual. Some also stored magic and would release it to their surroundings. Others had enhanced medicinal properties because they were grown with magic. Out of sheer curiosity, I asked Mr. Crewel if a plant existed which had the opposite effect, that would absorb magic and withhold it from others. Unfortunately, such a flower did exist. At least, it used to.

Judging by the expression on Malleus' face, it seemed he was also familiar with these blossoms. He provided a summary for the group, "These plants are nourished by and grown on any source of magic. If they sense magic, they will react like plants to the sun and grow their vines toward the source. If these plants touch a magic user, they will continue to consume in order to nourish themselves."

I explained, "These flowers will drain every bit of magic someone has and they will never be able to regain it again!"

"Why would such a terrifying plant exist on land?!" Azul exclaimed.

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