The Secret Admirer Part 2

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The struggle to uncover the identity of my secret admirer continued throughout the day. Although I focused on my lectures, my eyes occassionally wandered towards the notes of nearby students. So far, no one's handwriting resembled that of the letter.

I looked again at the writing to see if I overlooked any minor details or find any clues that could indicate the identity of the sender. Nothing. There were not even any traces of magic on the paper or ink.

I needed help, but I had to wisely choose who I allowed to see the note. After the freak out episode Ace and Deuce had over me wearing a skirt, I deemed them as unworthy candidates for the mystery. Azul and the Leech twins knew anything and everything about everybody, but I would save them as a last resort.

While I walked through the cafeteria, I spotted the perfect pair of individuals.

I sat in front of the Pomefiore Dorm Leader and Vice-Dorm Leader, "I need some help from the both of you."

"Bonjour, Reine de Sorciere!" Rook greeted with a smile, "How may we be of service to you on this lovely day?"

"I need you to help me hunt someone down."

Vil nearly choked on his drink, "Why would you want to do that?!"

I explained the situation with the secret admirer letter, "This has been bugging me since this morning. I'd love some help from il cacciatore d'amore, please?"

"Certainly. Let me take a look," Rook moved aside his lunch for me to place the letter in between him and Vil. The brows from the two student's furrowed as they read each line. At last, the hunter spoke, "My sincerest apologies, but I don't recognize this handwriting. Vil, what about you?"

The Dorm Leader shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

"Is there anyone you suspect to have written this letter, Cassie?" Rook asked.

I shrugged, "I'm stumped. I don't know who could've written this."

Initially, I suspected Malleus of being the writer of the letter. After I read it several more times, I decided to rule him out as a suspect. The way each sentence was phrased did not match with the manner in which the he usually spoke. Not to mention, I found Sebek in the corridor on my way to class and asked him to examine the letter. He confirmed the handwriting wasn't that of the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns.

I was a little disappointed, yet it only made me more determined to find the culprit.

A student behind me tapped me on the shoulder, "E-excuse me, Cassie?

"Yes?" I turned to face him. I recognized him as Fletcher Oceanus, a second year student from Octavinelle and the head chef of Mostro Lounge. Every time I greeted him at work, he always replied in a voice softer than a whisper and avoided eye contact.

He handed me a vanilla cupcake frosted with pink icing and decorated with a red heart, "I...wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. You also look really pretty today."

"Thank you," I said with a smile, accepting the dessert. I bit into it and was met with an overwhelming sweetness and a floral trace. 

"Do you like it?" Fletcher's aquamarine eyes shone with excitement. 

I wiped a corner of my lip with a napkin, "Can I make one suggestion for next time?"

"What is it?" 

"Go easy on the primroses. The love potion is really overpowering the chocolate," I grinned at him, "What's the matter? Can't handle some constructive criticism?"

All color drained from his face and he nervously ran his hand through his black hair, "I...what're you-I don't know what you're talking about. There's no love potion in there. I'm telling the truth, Cassandra."

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