Don't Kid Around Part 4

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"With her brows slightly furrowed, the fortune teller examined the palms of the hunchback," Cassie read out loud from the book in her lap. Her tiny fingers ran through each individual line of text. "One for a long life line another for shyness. Yet, there were no monster lines as the hunchback believed."

"You read very well," Malleus observed. "Are you enjoying this story?"

Despite the lack of children's picture books, Cassie found herself drawn to the thick novels Malleus had in store. Initially, the Dorm Leader was prepared to see the child struggle to read the extensive descriptions in each line of the book. Like with the members of the Science Club, Cassie took Diasomnia by surprise as she fluently read each sentence. She would even alter her voice to correspond to certain characters.

"It's quite an entertaining show," Lilia commented.

Cassie leaned into the Crown Prince, using his arm for support, "The fortune teller is one of my favorite characters...and the story teaches you to...." an extensive yawn prevented her from finishing her sentence.

"Would you like to rest a little?" Silver suggested, "You've been reading for quite a while without taking a break."

She rubbed her eyes, "I'm not tired. I just needed to take a big breath."

"Do you want me to read the rest of the story?" Malleus offered.

Cassie quickly shut the book and hopped down from the couch, "Let's do something else."

"What do you propose?"

She tapped a finger on her chin as she thought. Within moments, she looked at the Crown Prince. A cheeky grin spread across her face as she envisioned her idea becoming a reality.

Malleus recognized that look too well, "What devious, little idea did you think of?"

"I was thinking you'd look really handsome with a flower crown on your head."

"If you're making flower crowns, then we'll need to gather some flowers."

"Young Master, I'll go fetch the flowers for you!" Sebek's impressive volume made Cassie flinch.

"It's alright, Cassie and I will go together," Malleus felt Cassie's hand hold on to one of his fingers.

"But, my lord-"

"I won't say it twice," Malleus said sternly before his soft tone toward the child returned, "Shall we depart, my lady?"

She nodded as she began to pull Malleus out from the dorm, "Let's depart!"


"Are we there yet?" Cassie asked, "We've been walking for a while."


The little witch looked around, "Wait a minute, this isn't the way to the garden." She squinted at the Crown Prince in suspicion, "You're not trying to trick me, are you?"

"Why in the Thorn Fairy's name I would ever trick you?" Malleus attempted to look innocent, "You're an extremely clever witch. I highly doubt anything would get past you."

"Well, okay then," Cassie rested her head on his shoulder, "I'll just stay like this until we get to the garden."

The pair had been been walking in the opposite direction of where the botanical gardens were. In truth, Malleus planned to return Cassie to her own dorm, where she had an impressive collection of flowers in her garden. He also hoped there would be something in her grimoires about the ingredients that were mixed in the potion that spilled.

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