Witches Among Demons Part 2

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A few minutes after our arrival, Lucifer and Satan gave Maddi and I the grand tour of the building we were located in, the Royal Academy of Diavolo, also referred to as RAD. While we walked through the campus and the main quad outside, Lucifer told the history of the legendary demonic school. However, Satan and I were engaged in a conversation of our own.

"I have another question."

"And I might have an answer."

I wondered, "If the Devildom is always dark, won't there be cases of vitamin D deficiency?"

"Demons don't need to worry about getting sufficient sunlight, like humans do. However, there are vitamin supplements available."

"What about your circadian rhythms? Won't they be thrown off by the dark?"

"Not at all. There are different levels of darkness throughout the day. We still wake up in the morning and go to bed like everyone else does."

Apparently, demons were not the only residents in the Devildom. Sometimes, witches and wizards would visit either on business or simply for their own enjoyment. Satan told me the Devildom even played host to angels.

The possibility of three different worlds intermingling was thanks to the Crown Prince of the Devildom, Lord Diavolo. In the past, demons, angels, and humans had strained relations. When Diavolo came to power, he sought to improve rapport between the different beings.

My aunt brought me here with the intention of us spending time together. However, if I was to be present in the world of demons, I wanted to learn everything about it. The magic here felt completely different from that of Twisted Wonderland. Not to mention, Satan did not appear bothered by my endless stream of questions.

While Satan and I continued in our conversation, Lucifer noted to my aunt, "Cassandra is quite the inquisitive individual."

"Her desire to always learn has been present ever since she was a little girl. She even began studying magic before her own powers developed," Maddi replied, "By the way, where are the rest of your brothers?"

"Asmodeus and Mammon are with Ambrose at Majolish, Leviathan and Belphegor are back home, and Beelzebub is at fangol practice. They'll be joining us at Diavolo's dinner party tonight."

I whispered to Satan, "Who are all those people?"

"Rose is Lucifer's wife and the rest of them are our brothers.

How could someone handle six other siblings? I could barely be a few feet away from my single brother, let alone look at him.

More importantly, it was possible for someone to marry a demon? I wonder what that marriage would be like.

Out of the school grounds, Lucifer and Satan brought my aunt and I to the main square of the Devildom. Dainty cafes and a diversity of shops lined both corners of the sidewalk. I spotted some witches chatting over a cup of coffee and a group of wizards coming out of an antique store.

"Cassie and I will head to Café Lament and then to Majolish," my aunt decided after some time walking, "Thank you for walking us this far."

Satan offered, "Would you like us to keep you accompany you?"

"Thank you, but I'll take it from here, gentlemen. We'll see you at dinner tonight."

With a slight dip of their heads, Lucifer and Satan took their leave. Once the two demons were a reasonable distance from us, I pulled my aunt close beside me, "Okay, I need to know."

"Need to know what?"

"How in the name of the Great Seven you managed to work with demons."

She winked before saying, "Una strega non rivela mai i suoi segreti."

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