The Secret Admirer Finale

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Malleus stood at my doorstep, hiding something behind his back.

"Hey, Mal," I greeted.

"Lilia informed me on Valentine's Day, it's customary for ladies to receive a bouquet of flowers from a gentleman. However, I know you can grow flowers anytime you wish with your magic."

"You didn't have to-"

"I know it wasn't mandatory, but I wanted to," he finally brought out what he was hiding from behind, "I hope they're to your liking." They were beautifully folded paper flowers. Upon closer inspection at the paper, I saw music notes. Malleus explained, "I thought to make something that wouldn't wilt and wither with time. I used sheet music from the songs we've played together to make the flowers."

I smiled at him, dimples showing, "They're lovely, thank you."

"I'm glad you like them."

I examined the flowers, "How did you make these?"

"I had some assistance from Felmier. He's very good with his hands, so he taught me how to fold the papers."

While I tried to identify the songs on the folded paper blossoms, a familiar scent reached my nostrils. The closer I got to the flowers, the stronger it became.

"I couldn't give you flowers that had no aroma," Malleus said, "I noticed whenever you opened a book, you smelled it, but older books seem to be your favorite. If you don't like I it, I can change it-"

I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Thank you, Malleus." I felt his arms wrap around my back and pull me closer to him. When we pulled away from one another, I invited him, "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I would love to," he stepped inside.

Once I shut the door, Grim ran down the hallways and hugged one of Malleus' legs, almost catching the Crown Prince off guard, "Malleus!"

"Nice to see you again," Malleus bent down to pet my familiar, "Did Cassie figure out the letter?"

A lightbulb went off in my mind, "So you were the one who helped Grim write the letter!"

Malleus nodded, "That's right," he stood up and took his jacket off.

"I don't get it. Sebek said it wasn't your handwriting."

"I used my non-dominant hand to write the letter." To demonstrate, Malleus wrote his name on a paper with his dominant and non-dominant hand. Though both ways his handwriting remained neat and clean, I noticed the minor differences. He changed the subject, "So, what's on the dinner menu, tonight?"

"My favorite, spaghetti alla carbonara!" Grim replied.

"You say everything I make is your favorite," I spoke.

Malleus and I walked to the dining room where he draped his jacket over one of the chairs. The flower bouquet was placed in a glass vase and centered on the lounge coffee table before we came together in the kitchen.

"Do you want to be my assistant?" I asked. Whenever he came over, Malleus observed me cook. Though he offered to help me, I always refused. I thought I'd make an exception today.

"I'll warn you, my cooking skills may not be up to par with yours."

I recalled the time when he duplicated my arancini recipe, but apparently he used magic in order to make the fried rice balls. In the Valley of Thorns, magic was an essential part of everyone's life, including in the kitchen. Even the royal chefs at the Draconias' castle used magic to prepare dishes for the royal family and any banquets.

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