Glorious Masquerade Part 7

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About a few moments after Rollo exited the room, I thought it would be safe enough to cut my charade. With my magical control on the crimson flowers, I commanded for them to release me from their embrace. Once I was free, I had the vines undo themselves from the other students. Their auras were slightly dimmer compared to before, but at least it was not completely vanished. I could still feel a hint of their magical signature. With a little bit of time, they should recover.

I quickly grabbed my cell phone out of my purse and dialed Deuce's number.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I swore to myself I would never use a hex or a curse on someone, but I think I found an ideal first candidate.

I allowed my breath to become steadier after I heard Deuce's voice. Thankfully, everyone was unharmed and were not too far away from the school. They were only slightly spooked after seeing Malleus' angry display.

"Cassie, care to explain how you're conscious?!" I heard Azul's shocked voice. "We saw you pass out and the flowers wrap around you."

I could not help myself from laughing, "Have you forgotten? I'm a witch who can control nature. It's going to take more than a few flowers to get rid of me."

Although I had never before worked with a crimson flower, the vague amount of information I received from Mr. Crewel was sufficient for me to figure out how the plant worked. Like all the plants and blossoms I worked with, it had a spirit of its own. It had such an intense desire to take. To consume every last ounce of magic someone possessed.

But there was also something else. Another emotion. Hatred. Most likely a reflection of Rollo's intentions.

It was also the consequence of someone going into an entire monologue revealing their true plot. It gave me time to think. I have not yet thought of a way to permanently kill these weeds, but I figured out a way to prevent myself from falling for their trap.

Right now, the flowers were under my beck and call. They would not move or release the magic they stored unless I told them to. As soon as I loosened the leash I had on them, they would continue to infect the area like a disease. I could try to get rid of a few myself, but that would take even more magic out of me.

Mr. Trein's voice came through, "Ms. Salvatori, is there anyone else who can help you?"

"Everyone's asleep and I don't think they'll be up any time soon." A student stirred and slowly sat up and my hopes slightly inflated. "On second thought, I think I might have some help."

A familiar head of gold hair made my eyes roll. Simply marvelous.

"Please tell me you have a plan and that you're going to be here soon," I whispered on the phone.

Riddle explained to me their strategy: to reach the bell tower and ring the Bell of Salvation. Apparently, the fourth ring that was not supposed to happen provided enough magic to allow the flowers to sporadically take over the school and the city. By that logic, if rung again, there would be too much magic for the flowers to handle, so they would self-destruct.

It was simple, but it was the only option we had.

"Stay safe guys, I'll be here waiting for you," I told them before I hung up.

Until they passed through the gates of Noble Bell College, I had to search for anything that could tell us about Rollo's weakness. All I knew was the awful energy I got from him. He despised wizards, but loathed witches. Yet, while attending a wizarding school, he schemed to get rid of all of the magic in Twisted Wonderland?

But why? What happened to him for such a mindset to develop?

I would find the answers to my questions at one point. For now, I had my work cut out for me. I had to buy my friends as much time as I could. I had to prevent these flowers from growing without causing myself to overblot.

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