Sick Day Finale

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"I thought I told you to stay in bed," Malleus crossed his arms when he saw me.

"No, you said for my feet to remain off the floor," I cheekily grinned underneath my face mask, "Technically speaking, I'm still following the rules."

I was grateful to Malleus for using his entire day to take care of me, but I wanted to do something on my own. While I enjoyed the comfort of my own bedroom, I wanted a change of scenery. Once classes finished for the day, Sebek kept me company in my room after he dropped off my assignments and reviewed with me the lectures I missed. After a while, I smelled something cooking from the kitchen.

However, I remembered the rule I had to follow: I had to keep my feet off the floor. He might not be Riddle, but I did not want to find out what Diasomnia's Housewarden would have in store if I disobeyed.

Just like magic, rules always had a loophole.

I considered playing a game of 'The Floor is Lava,' like I had been doing when I needed to use the bathroom, but I was too tired to move any further. I did not even bother to pick up the row of pillows and towels which ran from my bedroom to the bathroom.

As a solution, I asked Sebek to give me a piggy-back ride to the first floor. Initially, he was extremely reluctant, especially since Malleus notified him of the order he gave me. After I put on a face mask to prevent anyone else from getting sick and explained the loophole in Malleus' rule, he obliged.

"Malleus, you have to admit it's quite brilliant," Lilia chuckled. I glanced at Silver, who tightly sealed his lips to prevent any laughter from escaping.

Malleus placed his hands on his hips and prevented himself from smiling, "What am I going to do with you?"

Sebek set me down on the couch and covered me with a blanket. I then noticed a familiar blue glass bottle on the kitchen counter, "I thought I used up all of the rainwater yesterday."

"You did, so I went and got more," Malleus replied and then turned to my familiar and one of his bodyguards, "Would you mind getting the rest of the ingredients?"

"Yes, sir!" Grim and Sebek nodded in affirmation before they left the kitchen.

Silver handed me a warm cup of berry and hibiscus tea. My favorite.

"I must say," Malleus got out a small cooking pot, "Ashengrotto was extremely quick and efficient to work with."

"Azul?!" I choked on my drink. Once my coughing fit ceased, I asked, "What did you need to talk to him about?"

After he finished cooking a soup, which I was extremely impressed with, Malleus decided to make the same medicinal concoction I prepared for Silver and Sebek the day prior. He had everything, except for one ingredient....that damn rain water.

He went to the student store only to have the same experience I did. Sam explained to him Azul bought the last bottle and was already on his way back to his dorm.

Malleus caught him as soon as he entered Mostro Lounge and walked out with the needed ingredient.

Azul already owed me a favor, so it was simple enough for me obtain the bottle. What bargain did Malleus have to make?

Would Azul know have any idea about what it was for? Would he be suspicious of Malleus and I?

"Not to worry, I think Azul would be wise not to make enemies of Diasomnia," Lilia reassured me once he noticed the worry on my face.

Still my train of thought started moving on its own.

Malleus was never too big of a fan on being the center of attention. People turned and walk the other way as soon as their eyes settle on the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns. Not to mention, they would talk about Malleus and all of the students of Diasomnia as if they were some kind of ghost story.

I did not want to give students another reason to talk.

After a few moments, Malleus sat beside me with a cup of the warm medicinal decoction. The liquid running down my throat soothed the irritation and warmed my chest.

I could feel myself already improving.

While I continued to drink it, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek told me the events of their days.

It was so strange having other people look after me. I expected myself to take care of me while I attended school. Secretly, I felt a little guilty about making them spend their time looking over me. They should be concerned about themselves. Silver and Sebek just recovered from their own illness, even though they showed no signs of symptoms.

Malleus' words from earlier replayed in my mind.

They decided to use their time to take care of me. I'm not a burden to them.

I was almost done with my drink when I felt myself zoning out of the conversation.

"Cassie, you look like you're about to pass out," Lilia took the cup out of my hands.

I shook my head, "I'm fine..."

"I can take her to her room," Silver volunteered.

"That won't be necessary," Malleus interjected, "I'll ensure she's back in bed." I felt his arms slide under my knees and on my mid-back. My head rested on his chest for support.

"What will you have us do, my lord?" Sebek asked, ready to receive his next instructions.

Lilia then answered, "We can tidy up the dorm and we'll head back to our own." With me in his arms, Malleus began his way to my room. We were halfway up the stairs when I heard Lilia's voice from below, "Make sure Cassie's well taken cared of, Malleus! Don't rush!"

Once inside my room, Malleus tucked me back in bed like he did this morning. He took a seat beside me and traced a finger along my hair to move it out of my face. My lips curved into a smile at the sensation.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Can you..." I struggled to keep my eyes open, "Can you keep...doing that? It feels really nice."

Malleus continued to gently run his fingers through my hair. I did not know how quickly time passed by, but his actions allowed me to peacefully begin my journey to the land of dreams.

I was not sure whether it was part of a dream or reality, but I felt the absence of Malleus' touch. I then heard him softly say, "Sweet dreams, my Enchantress. Tomorrow, may you be right as rain."

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