Yasmina Fireworks Part 3

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The streets of the famous Camel Bazaar were lined with endless rows of stalls and vendors. A variety of spices, fabrics, fruits, meats, and handcrafted works were a few of the hundreds of products on display for sale. To compliment the expansive marketplace was an immense crowd. Almost every few steps, I was less than arm's reach from bumping into somebody. I covered my ears from mob chattering about their plans for the festival or complaining how the price of an item was too high.

Apparently, this amount of commotion was considered 'quiet,' especially on a day where a large festival was supposed to take place.

I did not even want to know what 'busy' looked like.

Observing my uneasiness, without saying anything, Jamil guided the group to a more secluded corner of the market. While there was still somewhat of a crowd present, it was far more tolerable than the one earlier. I could finally breathe and allow my tension to dissolve.

I mouthed 'thank you,' to the Scarabia Vice-Dorm Leader and received a nod from him.

Malleus kept looking around, "If this is the Camel Bazaar, why aren't there any camels?"

"Before cars and boats were available, merchants would carry their goods using camels. This place initially was a rest stop before it developed into a large market. Although camels are no longer used, the name kind of stuck."

We continued to walk around the market, eyeing all of the goods on sale and potential souvenirs to bring back home. Jamil made sure to avoid the craziness of the crowds as much as he possibly could. Some time passed when my stomach loudly growled at the scent of sizzling meat and exotic spices. "I don't know about you all, but I'm hungry."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

Without any further hesitation, Jamil brought us to a food stall and ordered us all shawarmas. The grilled meat combined with pickled vegetables and wrapped in a warm, homemade flatbread was the perfect thing for someone to eat while they continued walking around the town. Once all of our orders were done, Jamil handed us each our wraps. Except, one wrap from his order had gone missing.

Behind Jamil was a girl, about the same height as me, munching away on his shawarma. "This is really good," she said with a mouthful, "I should get this next time."

"You can't steal someone else's food," Trey looked around through the crowd, "Are you here on your own?"

Her dark gray eyes sparkled as she giggled, "What if I know that person?"

I glanced at Jamil, ready to see him angry at this stranger for robbing him of his lunch. Instead, I saw his eyes wide like saucers and his lips quivering, "Na...Najma?!"

"Welcome home, Jamil!" she tried to hug him, but Jamil avoided her path. 

"Jamil, what's going?" Cater asked.

I looked again between a smiling Najma and a flustered Jamil. I gasped in realization, "You're siblings!"

There was no way a stranger could snatch Jamil's food and openly eat it in front of him...unless they were absolutely insane. The two of them also had similar physical features, such as their eyes, hair, and face shape. The dread in Jamil's face when he first saw Najma sealed the deal.

"Yeah, you're right. This is my younger sister," Jamil finally got out of his panicked state and furrowed his brows at his sister, "Now, care to explain to me what you're doing here?"

"I didn't want to be here either, but I'm doing this for dad," Najma replied, wearing an identical displeased expression as her brother, "He wanted me to let you know that our seats for the fireworks have slightly changed."

Jamil nodded, "Yeah, you texted me that and I replied."

"Even though I told him that, he still wanted me to deliver you the message in person."

"Dad really needs to understand technology a little more."

"That's it?! Your sister came all the way out here and you have nothing else to say?"

"Sorry about that. Well, I got your message. Anything else you need to tell me?"

Before Jamil could get a word out, Cater stepped in, "Hey, Najma, why don't you come and walk around with us?"

"What?! No!" Panicked Jamil made his return.

"I'd love to!" Najma replied with a smile.

"Absolutely not! I don't have time to take care of you!"

"I didn't ask you to."

"I'm busy, you can't come with us."

Malleus asked no one specific, "Why is Viper so hesitant about bonding with his sibling?"

"Maybe he doesn't want us to know about his private life," said Trey, "I have younger siblings so I share his feelings."

"I'd feel really embarrassed if my sisters saw me," Cater added, "They would call me out in a heartbeat."

I related to Jamil's struggle. If my brother made the idiotic decision to come near me and my friends while we were out and about, I would find a place to hide. It was more entertaining observing him spend his energy in trying to find me.

Jamil quickly became stern, "I want you to go back, Najma. Now."

Najma pouted her lips, "How could you be so cold to your little sister?"

The Viper siblings continued their banter until finally, I spoke, "Jamil, let her come with us. It's not a big deal."

Unfortunately for Jamil, the rest of the group agreed.

Cater briefly introduced each member of the group to Najma.

"I didn't know you had so many friends, let alone a girlfriend," Najma said in awe, "She's really pretty too."

"Cassie's not my girlfriend, she's my underclassman" Jamil countered, "And they're not my friends, they're my upperclassmen."

"Sure, whatever you say," Najma came to me, "have you gotten any henna art yet?"

Jamil answered for me, "No, she hasn't."

Najma put her hands on her hips, "What kind of tour guide have you been?"

I raised my hand as if I were in a classroom, "Excuse me, but what's henna art?"

In the Land of Hot Sands, Historically, the paste from the henna tree was used by the people of the desert to treat sunburns and any other skin ailments. They discovered a dye left behind on the skin and soon began to use it for cosmetic purposes. Now, on special occassions, such as birthdays, weddings, and festivals, it was customary for the ladies to get henna art on their skin. Artists would use the paste to create all sorts of beautiful designs on their client's bodies, particularly on the hands and feet.

I bounced on the balls of my feet in excitement, "Where can I get one?"

Najma stepped in, "There's one lady I know who is incredible and she isn't too far from here. My friends and I will always get our hennas done from her," she turned to her brother, "Can we please go together? I didn't get to spend time with my friends today."

Jamil was extremely hesitant to allow his younger sister to spend time with us. To my surprise, he was alright with his sister and I parting from the group for some time, or for the remainder of the day. 

He probably saw me as the key to getting rid of his sister. Still, I had no reason to complain.

'Girl time' was needed once in a while. 

Plus, Najma had the same agenda in mind as her brother: after our hennas, we would do some shopping before heading off to the festival. It would not have been any different from Jamil's plan, except I would be doing it without the rest of the group. 

"Try to avoided the crowded areas as much as you can. We'll meet up with you at the festival," Jamil told me, "If anything happens, call me, and I'll-"

"You worry too much. We'll be fine," Najma linked arms with me and guided me away from the guys.

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