Wedding Bells Finale

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With Princess Eliza's entire ghost armada off our campus, we could finally relax.

It was all over. Best part of it all was we did not even need to use the Ring of Severance.

I glanced at the ex-groom-to-be, "You alright, Idia?"

The poor guy had claimed as the future husband for a ghost bride, taken against his will restrained by rope, and nearly married the dead. To top it off, Eliza rejected him in the end after she received a confession from her guard, Alexander.

"Yeah...I think....probably?" he shuddered at the sight of his tuxedo, "I need to get back into my regular clothes."

"How are your cheeks everyone?" I asked the students while they stretched out their limbs.

Deuce rubbed one side of his face, "It still stings."

"Cassie, you really saved our tails," Jack high-fived me.

"By the way, the dress is just gorgeous," Cater complimented.

"Thanks!" I looked towards the one who gifted me the outfit, "Did I do the outfit a justice?"

Vil nodded, "I'm impressed. Full marks, Cassandra."

"By the way, how did you get rid of that ghost?" Trey asked, "I thought witches couldn't get rid of ghosts."

I took off the clip from my hair and the same milky white fog engulfed it. One second it was in my hand, the next it was in Trey's. "Everything's not what it seems."

It was true, a witch sending a ghost back to the world where they came from was unheard of. We are meant to work with the natural world, not the supernatural. However, that does not limit me on my resources to put on a show. To everyone's eyes, I sent the guard back to the Land of the Dead. In reality, I sent him outside the school gates.

Leona scratched his head, "Now that this whole wedding fiasco is over, I just wanna get to bed."

Seeing the Savanaclaw dorm leader yawning made me yawn, "Me too. I'm beat."

"What about all of this?" Azul motioned to the fully decorated room.

Some of the ribbon and streamers lining the walls had been ripped to shreds by my thorny vines. All of the tables were covered white tablecloths and had a variety of wedding decorations, like flowers and candles. For all of us to clean up the cafeteria would take hours.

"Let that be Crowley's problem," I began to walk out of the cafeteria and the rest of the group followed me, "Our mission was to stop the wedding. Janitorial work wasn't in the job description. Besides, tomorrow's the weekend," I rubbed my eye, "and I really want to go to sleep."

The students headed in the direction of the Hall of Mirrors to make the return to their dorms. I, on the other hand, walked towards the main building's exit.

"Cassie, do you want one of us to walk you back to your dorm?" Jack offered, "It's past midnight."

"I'm alright, thanks," I gave them one last wave before I headed outside, "If you want to do something for me, don't let yourselves be caught by any more ghost brides."


My feet dragged across the stone pavement on my route to my dorm. While I normally did not mind the walk required to get there, tonight I wished my dorm was connected to the Hall of Mirrors just like everyone else's.  I considered summoning my broom, but feared I would lose focus and crash somewhere. Just for a moment, I thought of pulling a 'Silver' and make myself a bed underneath a tree, but I pushed away the idea, despite how tempting it sounded.

It was then, from a distance, the sight of a pair of horns on an individual's head brought a smile to my face. A sudden burst of energy came through me.

I ran, "Malleus!"

He quickly turned to face me and his eyes widened at the sight of me.

"The Enchantress in red," his gaze traveled up and down, and a grin spread across his face, "Intriguing...What are you doing out this late?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, mister."

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought an evening stroll would help me relax," he offered me his arm, "Now, I would love to hear your story."

Malleus and continued our path while I retold my experience at the ghost bride's wedding. While I described the entrance I made, his eyes glimmered in amusement and a chuckle left him.

The sight of my dorm came a little too soon. It was almost disappointing my time with Malleus would be cut short, but it meant I was a few steps closer to my bed.

There was still something on my mind I needed to say.

Yet, those four little words felt like a deep, dark secret I should keep hidden.

My gaze kept darting between his eyes and the floor. My mouth yearned to speak, but instantly closed the next second. Malleus took hold of my hand, "Is something the matter, Cassie?"

I finally said it, "You're my best friend."

His brows rose in surprise, "I'm what?"

"I just...I just wanted to say that."

I regretted my words and Malleus' extended stunned silence. I almost wanted to be taken to the Land of the Dead.

Cassandra, you idiot.

Before I could make my extremely awkward escape back inside, he said, "You're my best friend as well, Enchantress."

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