The Invitation Finale

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The nightmare that was Regina Diamande was forgotten. Now, here I was, laughing with Jackie and Isa. Even Willow and Regina's ex-posse joined us in the celebration. All of the guests in attendance acted like Regina's temper tantrum never happened.

After some time chatting,  the DJ played a song that caught the attention of the entire venue. My group and I ran towards the dance floor. We held hands and danced in a circle, just like we used to do when we were little girls. The skirts of our dresses flared as we twirled. We did not have a care in the world.

The principal walked on stage and spoke into the microphone. The music began to fade out and eventually came to a halt. "Ladies, it truly fills my heart with joy to see everyone enjoying themselves. Before we send everyone home, it's the moment of the evening we all have been waiting for. Please welcome to the stage: The Wildcats!"

The ladies burst into screams and squeals as a group of young men in dance outfits with red, white, and gold stepped onto the stage. Each one flashed a bright smile and waved to every corner of the crowd.

With his microphone in hand, the leader, Trevor East, pumped up the crowd, "How's it going, Genovia?!" He was met with loud hollers and cheers in response. "We're honored to be performing for you all!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the beat dropped and the boys got into their positions.

"Take it back to the place where you know it all began.

We could be anything we wanna be.

You can tell by the noise that the boys are back again

Together making history."

The audience sang along to the tune and even copied the gestures the group made.

I tried to show a similar amount of enthusiasm as the other girls, but I found myself exhausted.

"Not a fan of the group, Cassie?" Jackie nudged at me.

"I like their music, it's just..." I studied the energetic audience now gathered at the stage, trying to get closer to the performers. "I think this party is becoming a little too much for me."

Even in the company of my closest friends, there was only so much socialization I could handle. Working at Mostro Lounge only served as a catalyst to draining my social battery.

As much as I wanted to spend more time with Jackie and Isa, I wanted to return to the comfort of my own dorm. I exchange my high heels and formal gown for a pair of fuzzy socks and pajamas. I wanted to be in my bedroom with a hot drink and a book in hand. I wanted time to recharge in solitude before I interacted with anyone else.

"I have an idea," said Isa and pulled me away from the main quad. Jackie followed us from behind. We finally came to a stop at the sports field we sparred the other day. "Is this a little better?"

Though we could hear the concert from a distance, I felt at peace. I allowed myself to lay down on the grass and gaze at the starry night sky. I sighed in relief, "Much better."

Isa and Jackie followed my lead and laid on the ground.

"Look at that," Jackie pointed towards a cluster of stars right above us, "that looks like a goat riding a whale who's riding a broom."

Some giggles came out of Isa and I. "No, that's not right," the witch from the Rose Kingdom added, "it looks like a dragon eating a muffin."

I joined in on the shenanigans. I pointed to another constellation towards my direction, "That one is a jellyfish wearing a tutu and it's dancing with that goat riding the whale."

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