Witches Among Demons Part 3

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"So, Lucifer and his brothers are known as the Seven Rulers of the Devildom, right?"

Rose released a strand of my hair from her curling iron, "Yes, each with their own area of influence."

"And they report to the King of the Demons, Diavolo, which would make them princes."

"Diavolo isn't king yet, but go on," she began to twirl another strand.

"And if you're married to a prince, doesn't that make you a princess?"

"Whether I have the title or not, Lucifer treats me like his queen."

As Rose promised, she personally styled my hair and make up for the photoshoot. While she worked her magic in my own dressing room, I learned a little more about her. Apparently, she was a fairy-demon hybrid.

I was about to ask her why her ears were not pointed, like some of the fairies I have seen. Then, I then remembered Malleus told me there were different species of fairies in existence. With their great diversity, they differed in size, appearance, and magical abilities.

She came to the Devildom as part of Lord Diavolo's exchange program and to learn more about the demon world, which her father grew up in. While being here, she fell in love with Lucifer and the two got married a little over a year after they met.

They held their wedding procession in the Human World at one of the biggest cherry blossom gardens known. Along with the bride and groom's families in attendance, Lord Diavolo acted as the wedding officiant. Afterwards, the group returned to the Devildom for a grand reception hosted at the Crown Prince's castle.

She smiled at the memory, "I still remember the way Lucifer got teary eyed when I walked down the aisle with my dad."

"How long have the two of you been married?"

"We're still newlyweds. Today marks our one year anniversary."

"What're you doing at work?! Shouldn't you spend time with your husband and celebrate?"

"Lucifer and I do dedicate time to one another, but we each have our own responsibilities and hobbies to attend to. Besides, Lord Diavolo is throwing us a big dinner party at his castle tonight to celebrate the occasion, so there's that."

"He is?! Aunt Maddi and I are going to that dinner party!" Relief washed over me that there would be a familiar face present at the party, "Got any marriage advice?"

"Well, I'm still learning myself, but..." she pondered for a moment before she said, "First and most importantly, respect one another. Trust each other and continue to work on your relationship. And lastly, have fun together. My dad always told me being married is like having an eternal sleepover with your best friend."

"How's that sleepover going so far?"

She giggled, "It's the greatest."

With my hair curled and styled, Ambrose moved on to the makeup.

While she spread the eyeshadow, I asked, "I'm curious, why did you recommend me for this shoot? I'm just an ordinary person."

"First of all, no one's ever ordinary. Second of all, you reminded me a little bit of myself."

"How so?"

"Growing up, I frequently moved from one country to the next. One of the perks of being an immortal living in the Human World, y'know? Anyways, I missed out on a lot of experiences," she delicately applied the eyeliner, "For the longest time, fairies were targeted by both demons and humans. Anytime I left the house, I had to be on guard and make sure I didn't get too close to anybody. I never went to slumber parties or school dances. My parents were my only friends. I've been alive for over 2000 years, and I didn't even have my first kiss until I met Lucifer."

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