The Invitation Part 5

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While the botanical gardens and the library were my favorite places at Night Raven College, at Genovia, it was the laboratory. It housed an impressive collection of herbs and plants I did not have access to back at school. The set up of the room nearly resembled that of a kitchen, and each desk had their own iron cauldron to use.

I almost wanted to take one of their lab coats back to NRC as a souvenir.

I found all of the ingredients for the antidote with ease. Sea water for banishing and cleansing. Extract of bleeding hearts to ease the pain of heartbreak. Basil for purification. Selenite powder for amplification.

"You've done this before, yes?" Jackie observed.

I nodded, "My idiot brother once got ahold of a love potion and guess who had to correct his mistake?"

The worst part of it all was that he took credit for my work.

Isa joked, "Is there anything you can't do, Cassie?"

I can't seem to not get dragged into problems.

Instead, I replied, "I can't stop adding books to my 'To be Read' list."

With all of the ingredients combined in a cauldron, all that was left to do was allow the mixture to simmer on a Bunsen burner until they were fully dissolved.

"Cassie, we got a ton of questions for you coming in from the viewers," Isa scrolled through her phone, "Can you answer a few?"

I nodded, "Fire away."

"How did you get into Night Raven College?"

"Long story short, my twin brother thought the carriage was for him and it let me in instead," I struck a pose, "Here I am. Next question, please."

She scrolled for a bit until she read out, "My brother went to NRC and he got sorted into Scarabia. What dorm are you in?"

I nervously laughed, "I'm actually not part of any dorm. My friends and I have a joke that I was never assigned a dorm for their own safety. They said if I did get sorted, I would hand over everyone's rear ends on a silver platter."

Jackie glanced at Isa's screen from behind her, "Ooh! This one's good: if you could be part of any dorm, which one would you be?"

"Excuse me, señorita, I'm supposed to be reading the questions," Isa attempted a deadly glare at the upperclassman, but only earned a restrained giggle from Jackie. "Cassie? Your answer?"

While I enjoyed having a whole dormitory to myself, there were days when I wanted to be part of another. Grim would often point out the negative traits in some of the dorms. Heartslabyul was too rigid with the rules. Pomefiore obsessed over beauty. Octavinelle always sought to profit from someone. Savanaclaw was full of meatheads. No one sees anyone from Ignihyde outside of their dorms. Scarabia is full of schemers who hide their true nature. Though Diasomnia was his favorite, Grim knew residents gave off an aura that made them unapproachable.

While not one dorm was perfect, I saw them in a different light.

For starters, Heartslabyul housed students with a strong moral code of conduct. They could make anyone feel welcomed and will not sit by at the sight of injustice. Not to mention, the Unbirthday Parties they throw were spectacular.

Then there was Savanaclaw, where determination and confidence are visible in every single resident. They are not afraid to get down and dirty in order to reach a goal. Not to mention, their teamwork and cohesion, whether it is planned or not, is extraordinary to witness.

Sympathy, empathy, and compassion are essential for anyone in Octavinelle. Most importantly, residents are extremely observant and intuitive of everyone around them. Even some of the guys in Savanaclaw told me I would fit perfectly into the dorm modeled after the Sea Witch.

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