Wedding Bells with a Twist Part 3

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No matter how much King Max begged for me to say 'I do', I continued to shake my head in denial.

Look around one more time. There has to be something I overlooked. There must be a way to get out.

I was surrounded by ghosts. If I made a run for it, what would I do then? The amount of security inside and outside the building could not possibly be measured. I had no physical weapon. My magic was blocked. My hands were in a literal bind.

The cafeteria's clock read 11:57pm.

My hopes of someone crashing this wedding quickly faded away. I was alone and had no way out. The only option was to continue to resist for another three minutes before I could expel these ghosts from our campus.

Did I even have three minutes before King Max and I were to be called husband and wife?

Where is that one person bursting though the doors, yelling 'I object!' when you need them?

Before the ghost king could press me any further, a strong gust of wind blew the doors wide open. The decorations fought against the powerful breezes which attempted to tear them down. A bolt of ivy lightning struck the floor and created a ring of chartreuse fire. The flames merged and revealed a figure dressed in black and green.


On instinct, my feet began to walk towards him, but a pair of guards grabbed my arms and prevented me from taking another step. I fought against them, but they only tightened their grip on me.

Malleus studied the ghosts protecting the altar before his eyes narrowed to thin slits once they settled on me.

"Who are you?!" the ghost king shielded me from the Crown Prince, "What do you want?!"

"My identity is of no importance," Malleus' shoes clicked against the stone floors as he lazily approached, "Bluntly speaking, I want to retrieve my lady."

"Your lady?!" Max wrapped his arms around me from behind, "She's mine! My bride."

"This the first time I've witnessed a bride bound and gagged on her wedding day. Not to mention, the tears that have streamed on her cheeks."

"Those are tears of joy." The king looked to me, only to be taken aback by my glare. He quietly warned, "I'd hate to put a blindfold over those pretty little eyes, my dear."

Not a single soul in the room dared to block Malleus' path as he closed the distance between him and the ghost king. "I suggest you consider your next set of actions very carefully, Your Majesty."

Max scoffed, "Why should I be worried about what you'll do?"

Rows of red spider lilies blossomed along the sides of the aisle. Thorny brambles began to slither up the walls and tear down the decorations.

Confused by Malleus' devilish grin, King Max turned to look at me once again. This was the first time I found pleasure in a man looking at me in absolute horror.

With my hands freed, I removed the gag from my mouth. "I'm a witch. You should be more worried about what I would do."

"Witch?!" Max looked towards his guards, "Why didn't you tell me she was a witch?!"

"W-We didn't know, Your Majesty!" one of the ghosts stammered, "We thought....we thought she was to be your queen!"

The moon began to lose its scarlet hue at the stroke of midnight. My power returned, stronger than before. I could not begin to imagine the brightness of the emerald glow in my eyes.

The witch was back in business.

The ghost king scowled at me. "You vile, deceiving, creature! I refuse to have a witch for a queen!"

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