Yasmina Fireworks Part 2

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Stepping through the Dark Mirror, we arrived in the middle of Jamil's and Kalim's hometown of Silk City. While it may not be the capital of the Land of Hot Sands, it was the largest and busiest city in the country. Everywhere I looked where individuals, tourists and locals alike, looked for something to see, buy, or trade. Initially, I imagined a flat and immense desert with sand dunes as far as the eye could see. Instead, there was a bustling city amidst the desert landscape.

While Silk City still maintained its history, it modernized along with the rest of the world. Buildings made from a special white stone to withstand the intense desert heat and traditionally built tents filled the area. Several feet away from where we stood were several asphalt roads which connected to the main high highway. In the middle of the city, small ferryboats transported individuals thanks to the canal in place.

In the past, the Land of Hot Sands traded spices and textiles which were in high demand by other neighboring countries. The Asims were the first merchants who would sell goods overseas. They were also the ones responsible for creating the canal near the country's coast and expanding it throughout the land, allowing easier trade and transportation. This encouraged local businesses to develop and expand through the generations. The water in the canal would evaporate in the air, preventing droughts and allowing crops to thrive. Along with the introduction of new water technology, the population boomed. Now, the Land of Hot Sands has become one of the top tourist destinations in the world.

From the intense desert heat, we all removed the jackets of our school uniforms. While the boys began to roll up their sleeves, I was the only one who decided to wear a short sleeved button up today.

"We'll go to my house first," Kalim said, "You all can drop off your things and get changed before we explore the city."

"Where's your house?" I asked.

Please, let it not be too far.

Kalim pointed to a building which looked quite similar to Scarabia's dormitory, except this one was gargantuan in size. If there was a word to describe something larger than the grandest of castles, it would be the Asim house. This house was so far away, it would take us four to five hours on foot to arrive at the front door.

Before anyone could ask how we would get there, a lengthy black car pulled up. The driver came out, bowed to Kalim, and allowed us inside.

Two rows of tan leather chairs faced one another. Beside the end of each row was a mini fridge stocked with drinks and snacks. A small window across a wall allowed the view of the driver. However, the one thing everyone could sigh in relief too was the cold air conditioner.

As the car drove, Kalim and Jamil told us about what to expect for the remainder of the day, but one person seemed to be in his own world as he looked outside the window.

"Malleus, you've been awfully quiet," Cater observed.

"Rather, he's been zoning out," Trey added.

"Wait...do you think he's motion sick?" Kalim began to worry, "Do we need to stop the car?"

Jamil began to rummage through his bag, "I have a medicine that will stop motion sickness."

"Gentlemen, calm down," I told them, before I looked to the person in question.

"I'm simply admiring the scenery and enjoying the ride. This is my first time in a car."

Malleus told me before in the Valley of Thorns, magic is a necessary component in their daily living. Citizens would arrive to their destinations using flying brooms or teleportation spells.  While modern technology was available and was not foreign to the public, it was also fueled by magic. It was not to say citizens in Malleus' home country were incapable of doing things by hand, they still did. However, they found a way to efficiently go on about their days while also strengthening their own magical abilities. For that reason, many talented witches and wizards hailed from the Valley of Thorns.

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