Wedding Bells with a Twist Finale

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"Cassie, please!" Ace continued his begging act.

"For the last time, I can't help you!" I motioned towards the rows of vials filled with plants and liquids. "It's inventory day and I still have half a dozen shelves to get through."

"Riddle's going to have our heads if the garden isn't fixed by this afternoon," Deuce urged, "Your magic could do the work in an instant."

I shrugged, "Well, you best girdle your loins, gentlemen."

"What gotten into you?" Ace asked in frustration, "You normally help us and-"

"The more time you waste arguing with me, the less time you'll have in fixing the garden," I coldheartedly interjected without looking away from my work.

Realizing they would not have any further success, the two Heartslabyul students took their leave.

Shortly after their departure, Mr. Crewel returned, "Did Trappola and Spade require assistance?"

"They just wanted to stop by and say 'hello,'" I changed the subject, "Before I forget, how was your chess match with Mr. Trein?"

"We each have five wins and five losses for this month," he got behind his desk and grabbed hold of red pen and the stack of homework assignments," I'll be sure to beat him next time."

I considered, "Are there talking portraits in the teacher's lounge?"

"Why do you ask?" his pen began to move across the sheets. 

I shrugged, "No reason. If I were in your shoes, I'd use all of my resources in order to throw off my opponent."

"There aren't any talking portraits in the teacher's lounge."

"What if one conveniently appeared?"

A warning was laced in his tone when he said, "Salvatori."

I mumbled, "Apologies, sir," before I returned to my task.

Two days had passed since the ghost wedding incident. With exception to a few, the rest of my friends thought I could simply carry on with my life just like before. They were completely unaware why I was captured or how the situation resolved. They had no idea that if no one had intervened that night, my soul would have left my body and gone to the Land of the Dead with King Maximilian.

When I met with Ace and Deuce before class, Ace greeted me by saying, "Hey! You're alive!"

I always helped them with everything they needed. Besides their gratitude, I never received anything in return nor did I expect to. However, they all told me the same thing, "If there's anything I can do at all in the future, let me know."

Here came the perfect opportunity and they chose to do nothing.

They all thought the witch, who had no access to magic and was placed in an extremely vulnerable position, could take care of it all. Yes, I would not allow myself to be the damsel in distress. Yes, I normally would take care of things myself. Yes, I sometimes was the 'hero' they believed me to be.

Yes, I may protect everyone, but who will protect me?

I'm just adding this event to their ever growing list of debts to me.

My phone's muffled ringtone was heard. After contemplating and Mr. Crewel giving me a nod of approval, I picked it up before it went to voicemail. "Hey, Azul."

"Would you be able to help out today?"

"What's going on?"

"The staff has been reorganizing the pantry for nearly an hour. It's almost opening time and we can't seem to find over half of our ingredients."

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