Glorious Masquerade Part 8

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We continued to climb the steps up the bell tower in silence. Well, not completely in silence.

While Malleus and I progressed without any issues, Idia and Azul fought to catch their breaths the higher we went. They attempted to keep their struggle as quiet as possible, but they occassionally let out a grunt or a deep inhale.

"I'm starting to wonder if I should've taken Sebek and Silver and assigned the both of you the role of decoys," Malleus thought to himself, "Was my decision wrong?"

"We' bet...." Azul said in between steps.

"Shroud, you're looking a bit pale. Anemia?"

"Don't worry about me," Idia leaned against the wall for support. "I've been like this since the beginning."

"Cassie, are you feeling okay?" Malleus looked my way, "I don't know how much of your magic was spent."

"I'm okay, I'm just a little shaken up." Restraining the crimson flowers from growing did not drain a significant amount from my power, and my blot free crystal was proof of it. It was Rollo's cold phantom touch on my shoulders that occasionally sent chills down my back.

"Cassie, Malleus, the both of you should reserve your magic as much as you can until we face Rollo," Azul suggested. "Allow Idia and I to handle any obstacles we see on the way."

"Then the two should be careful on any magic you spend," I warned, "You shouldn't be completely exhausted either."

Halfway up the bell tower, the view from one of the windows captured my attention.

All I saw was red.

The entirety of the City of Flowers was engulfed in an inferno of crimson flowers. It would only be a matter of time before they went beyond the borders. If we allowed that to happen, there would not be any magic in the world or a sufficient amount of bell ringing that would eradicate them.

Malleus said with urgency, "Even if your clenched teeth break, I will have you move on. Are you prepared?"

Idia began, "I don't plan to losing to anyone, whether that's Rollo or a flower. I also have no intention of being Malleus' baggage."

"We all have different skills and backgrounds, but as Night Raven College students we're all equals. Of course, Malleus' magical prowess is on a much grander scale, but I still have my pride as dorm leader," Azul adjusted his glasses," I am not to be underestimated."

The guys then looked to me.

"I may not be dorm leader like you three, but that doesn't mean I'm weak and defenseless. Witches have been perceived as evil because wizards feared the power they held. I think today, I'll give Rollo a real reason to be afraid of a witch."

As if our determination was a cue, crimson flowers entered the stage. They began crawling down the walls and slowly spreading throughout the floor. Their overpowering sugary aroma began to fill the room.

Malleus was prepared to cast his own magic onto the flowers, but Azul stepped in his path.

"If you release too much power, the tower's going to collapse. Our plan to ring the bell will go down the drain. I also don't want to be charged with destroying a historical building," Azul took out his magic pen from his coat, "Let me handle this one."

"Are you kidding me?!" Idia stammered, "This isn't the time to show off."

"Azul, go for it," I encouraged.

Without sparing another moment to debate, Idia, Malleus, and I positioned ourselves behind the Octavinelle Dorm Leader. I observed as he honed in on his magic and cast it with such accuracy over the field of crimson blossoms. All of the flowers shriveled in an instant and the interior of the tower remained unaffected.

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