The Secret Admirer Part 1

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"Seriously! I don't get it, Cassie!"

"I'm starting to worry about how much time you spend by yourself," I looked at my familiar, "Are you making sure you go outside for a bit? Sunshine is really good for you."

"Hear me out, okay? If we tell others, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover,' then why is falling in love at first sight treated as such a great thing?"

I gave Grim one last questioning look, "You didn't drink my moon water did you?"

He scoffed, "That's a rookie mistake. I've picked up skills from being your familiar for over ten years."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Like...taste testing all the yummy dishes you make in the kitchen."

I scratched Grim on a spot he liked behind his ear, "You truly are the greatest familiar a witch could ask for, gattino."

I was about to head out when I noticed a pink envelope peeking out from under the door. There was no indication as to whom it was from.

Grim became excited, "What's it say? What's it say?"

With my reading glasses on, I pulled out a white piece of paper with blue inked letters. Whoever wrote this had beautiful handwriting. I read out loud the message, "Dear Cassandra. You truly are an incredible person. Ever since we met, you have taught me so much about the world. I hope no matter how much time goes by, we will always be together. Sincerely yours, your secret admirer."

"Cassie's gonna make Malleus jealous," Grim said in singsong, "She's got a secret admirer."

"Will you stop it?"

The three ghosts decided to float down from the ceiling. Daniel spoke, "Secret admirer you say?"

I tried to wave off the matter, but Grim spoke in my place, "That's right! Someone wuvs Cassie!"

"You know, back in the day, I used to be quite the love expert," Gabriel began to brag, "My friends would come to me with all of their love troubles."

Ramiel rolled his eyes, "Give me a break, you fell head over heels after every girl you saw."

"Remember when you saw that one pretty girl at the diner and said she was the love of your life?" Daniel teased, "And you planned out your whole wedding in one day?"

"Well, that pretty girl turned out to be my beloved wife for over 60 years," Gabriel argued.

I could not contain my laughter at the ghosts' continuing bickering. Once the three of them finally settled, I asked, "Well, Mr. Love Expert, what should I do about this secret admirer?"

"There's always excitement with the unknown," Gabriel replied, "Who knows what kind of surprise will await for you in the end."

Ramiel added, "Think of this like a fun mystery to solve."

I allowed their words to sink in. I did not care who this secret admirer was. Them writing their feelings out on paper told me they were too scared to say it directly to me. I almost thought it was cowardly.

Then again, what if it actually was Malleus who sent me this letter?

Now, I did not see this secret admirer letter as such a bad thing. Maybe this would be a fun little mystery to solve. Never before had I wanted to hurry out the door and bolt down the path to arrive on campus.

"You're looking rather...pretty today," Grim observed, "Any special reason?"

I looked at myself again in the mirror. My usual pants and blouse from my uniform had been replaced by a short sleeved button up and a black high-low skirt. My striped neck tie was done in its usual bow and I wore black ballerina flats. Since my hair was freshly washed, I thought to leave the chestnut waves freely cascade down to my shoulders. For the finishing touch, a pair of crystal stud earrings to showcase my double piercings.

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