Don't Kid Around Part 2

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A few minutes after he left, Mr. Crewel returned to the classroom. His mouth hung slightly ajar at the sight of the broken glass and spattered potion on the floor. However, his greatest concern was the little girl in an oversized school uniform.

Mr. Crewel's brows furrowed as he approached the child. He recognized the fire in the ember eyes she had, "Ms. Salvatori?"

"That's...that's my last name, but...I'm...Cassie." Her voice was more quiet and higher in pitch compared to before.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head before she raised her arms, covered by the overly large jacket from her school uniform. She giggled as she flapped the sleeves around, "Theses are too big."

The teacher cautiously picked up the child away from the glass shards and set her in one of the desk chairs.

"We'll get that taken cared of, but I have a question to ask you," the teacher knelt in front of her, "How old are you?"

"I'm six years old," she tilted her head to the side in curiosity, "How old are you, mister? You have a lot of white hair."

Mr. Crewel sharply inhaled and restrained himself from scolding her. Right now, he had a larger problem on his hands.

The potion that spilled on Cassie was one she had been working on for a while. It was intended to allow old, withered plants to regenerate into younger ones and restore their properties. During the testing phases, the potion allowed the effects to remain for a couple of days, but could now last several weeks now that she refined it. Moreover, it had not been tested on humans.

"To answer your question, I color part of my hair white," Crewel replied.

"Maybe my hair should be a different color," she began to play around with several strands of her locks, "What if it was white like yours?"

Mr. Crewel changed the subject, "The first thing we need to do is get you a new set of clothes."

With a little bit of magic, Cassie's clothes transformed before her eyes. A black dress with white polka dots and a red ribbon tied around the waist replaced the oversized school clothes. Her chestnut hair was styled into a side braid and held together with a red ribbon. A pair of simple black ballet flats covered her feet and a white bracelet wrapped around her wrist.

"What do you think?"

Cassie spun around, watching the skirt of the dress puff up, "I really like it!"

"Good. Now," he picked her up and began to walk out of the lab, "We have some pups we need to go see."


Mr. Crewel re-entered the botanical garden where the Science Club were busy writing notes on the plants' growth development. Several members glanced up from their work, confused at the sight of their club advisor carrying a little girl.

Cassie whispered in his ear, "Mister, where are the puppies? I was hoping to pet one."

"These students are my puppies," the teacher replied.

"Well, that's a silly thing to call people."

Soon, Mr. Crewel found the student he wanted, "Mr. Clover, I have a task for you."

"Yes, sir?" Trey's gaze met his teacher's before it settled on the child in his arms. He smiled at her, "Oh. I wasn't aware you had a daughter."

"This isn't my daughter, this is Ms. Salvatori."

"Cassie?!" Trey looked between the girl and Mr. Crewel, "What happened to her?!"

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