Sick Day Part 2

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"Cassie, while it's always a delight to see you, have you forgotten today's your day off?" Azul reminded me once I entered Mostro Lounge.

"I know, but I need to talk to you for a moment."

Sensing my urgency, Azul guided me into the VIP room and we sat across from each other on the black leather couches.

"Would you like some tea, Cassandra?" Jade offered.

I shook my head, "Thanks, but no thanks. I won't be staying for long." With Azul and I finally alone, I spared no time in beating around the bush, "I need the bottle of rain water you recently bought."

"If I may ask, what do you need it for?"

My throat slightly burned as I spoke. Maybe I should have accepted Jade's offer for tea. "I need it to make a medicinal potion."

"What a coincidence, as do I," he then offered, "I could share it with you, but I would need some appropriate compensation."

I could not think of anything to offer Azul in exchange for the bottle, but I had something else in mind that would be equally as effective.

I said, "I'm calling in a favor."


"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

A few weeks ago, I caught Azul struggling to fly his broom after class. Worried he was going to injure himself with the lack of control he had over his broom, I offered my services. Initially, he was extremely skeptical towards allowing me to providing him with some guidance, especially since I wanted nothing in return. Eventually, he and I made a deal: if I privately tutored him in flying, he would owe me one favor.

It was a small change, but he improved on his overall flying time and speed with my help.

Every day after that, he suggested ways for me to use my one favor, such as for him to provide me a study guide for an exam or to excuse me from one of my shifts at work. Nothing he proposed to tempt me worked.

I knew I would need to save my one favor for a crucial moment.

He readjusted his glasses, "We can negotiate-"

"No negotiations. Your word is as valid as a written contract. You said I could have anything I wanted from you, no questions asked," I leaned closer to him, "What I to walk out of here with that bottle of rain water, Mr. Ashengrotto."

Though he maintained his composure, his nerves were evident. He knew this was a battle he would not win and it would be pointless to fight, "Are you certain-"

"No questions asked, Azul."

He let out a defeated sight before he finally said, "Very well." He briefly left the room before he returned with the bottle in his hands, "Consider my debt to you repaid."

"Thank you," I sweetly smiled, "It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Azul."


A light drizzle welcomed me once I began making the return journey to my dorm. Although I wore ankle length jeans and knee high boots, unfortunately I had no umbrella. As a solution, I used my jacket to cover my head and hurriedly walked back. I made it to my dorm before the rain could begin pouring harder.

Once back inside, I immediately got to work in the kitchen.

I carefully measured every ingredient as I hovered over the stove, enjoying its warmth. I worried if the herbs were insufficient since their smell had not reached my nose.

"Can I get the-"

"Orange blossom honey?" Malleus handed me the bottle and a spoon.

"You read my mind, Mal," I stirred in a spoonful of honey into the pot, "After this simmers for a bit, it'll be ready."

"Hey! That's my job!" Grim motioned for Malleus to leave the kitchen, "While the witch is brewing, the familiar is working, capisce?"

"Grim, be nice," I warned, "Have you checked on Silver and Sebek?"

"They're snoozing, but their fevers are still pretty high. I put some dragon's blood in their diffusers and-"

"Dragon's blood?" Malleus asked in confusion, though I detected a hint of something his tone he tried to hide. Something containing fear and anger.

"It's the name of an essential oil," I clarified, which put him at ease, "It's called that because the extract comes from dragon trees and it's a dark red color." Knowing what Malleus was about to ask next, I said, "The trees are called that because the bark resembles dragon scales." I turned the stove off and removed the pot of medicine, "You know, there's a lot of herbs that have funny names."

"Like what?"



"Add a few letters in the end and it becomes myrr-der."

Despite my terrible pun, I earned a laugh from Malleus.

Once the contents of the pot were cooled off completely, I began to distribute it into two glass jars, one for each sick student. With the amount I had leftover, I poured in another jar and gave it to Malleus.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"If you don't start to feel good, take a spoonful of that after every meal. If you catch the symptoms early enough, they should fade out with-ACHOO! Pardon me. The symptoms should fade within a day or two."

"Are you feeling alright, Cassie?" Malleus looked me over, worry plastered on his face, "Your face seems to have lost some color."

I nodded, "I'm fine, I don't get sick."

"Cassie, everyone gets sick," he handed me the jar medicinal potion back to me, but I pushed it away.

"Let me rephrase that, I don't get sick very often"

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