Don't Kid Around Part 1

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"How's the grading going?"

"I'm getting there, sir," I showed Mr. Crewel what was left of my stack of quizzes, "I just need to finish the third years' and then I'm all done."

My teacher looked at the clock, "Goodness you work fast. I think you might finish before I get through these lab reports."

"I'm kind of in the zone right now."

My student aide period had to be my favorite class. It was the perfect, calming finish to conclude my hectic day. Mr. Crewel would assign tasks for me, like taking inventory of potion making materials, grading homework and other assignments, and even preparing for the following day's classes. If there was nothing for me to do, I could use the time however I wished.

Some of my friends encouraged me to join their clubs, but I was happy where I was. By being a student aide, I could interact with all of the students on campus. Recently, I helped Vil make a potion to create black smoke for the film his club was putting together.

Besides, my student aide period was the one time of the day I could get some quiet time away from everyone else. As much as I loved spending time with my friends, I also needed time to myself.

It was not too soon before Coach Vargas barged into the classroom, making both my teacher and I jump. "Mr. Crewel!"

"What is it?" Mr. Crewel asked in annoyance without even looking up from his own grading.

"I need to borrow your student aide for a minute."

"I'm preoccupied with something else right now," I replied, "Can it wait a few more minutes?"

"It's extremely important."

"That's what you said last time and I ended up being extra weight for you to bench press," I went back to grading quizzes, "Sorry, sir, if it's urgent, you'll need to find someone else."

"Now you're just being cruel."

"No, he's Crewel," I gestured to my teacher.

Coach Vargas continued to persuade me, "Just hear me out for a minute. It doesn't involve you helping me out with any sort of exercise."

At this point, I knew he was not going to give up. I set aside my task of grading quizzes, giving him my full attention.

Next week, Vargas intended to host a three-day camp in a forest for all of the sports teams. The purpose of the camp was for them to improve their teamwork while being assigned different challenges and to learn new skills. Especially since they would not be allowed to use magic or technology for the duration of the camp.

I wondered, "What will you need me for?"

"Originally, the Headmage was supposed to come along but something came up on his end. He recommended you as the next best person for the job."

Of course Crowley recommended me.

Vargas continued, "Your job will be to help me with minor tasks and supervising all the sports teams. Your familiar can come along as well."

I loved spending time outdoors and I had camped outside. I knew how to build a fire, scan the terrain, and distinguish between different poisonous plants. I could cook a massive meal with limited ingredients. It would be a nice change of scenery from the campus grounds I saw on a daily basis.

Still, I had plans for next week. I was invited to a slumber party at Scarabia. Grim and I were supposed to watch a movie with Pomefiore. Malleus was going to teach me to make ice cream with magic.

"Let's say I helped you out, what's in it for me?" I asked.

"If you help out with this camp, I'll allow you to opt out of the mile run."

"But I like running. Plus, Deuce and I will race each other and our tie has yet to be broken."

"What about the pull-up test coming up in a few weeks?"

"After I've been improving my upper body strength? No way."

The coach continued his propositions, only for me to shut them down. I genuinely enjoyed physical education. I thought it was ridiculous for me to skip out on anything.

To prevent the coach from going on any other soon-to-be-rejected ideas, I offered, "How about giving me a free pass?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't think of anything right now that I'd want if I helped you, but when I do, I'll use my free pass."

I think Octavinelle may have slightly influenced me in making vague deals with others.

The coach scratched the cleft of his chin, "Alright. Sounds like a deal. So, you'll come to the camp?"

"I'll think about it."

"Let me know by the end of the week. Otherwise you'll need to bring your own tent."

Once the physical education teacher left, I heard another teacher's muffled snickers, "What's so funny, Mr. Crewel?"

"Nothing," though his serious expression returned, a trace of a smile remained. He pushed his chair back and headed for the door, "I need to go check on the Science Club for a moment. Will you be alright on your own?"

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Salvatori," he glanced at me in warning.

"Yes, Mr. Crewel, I'll be fine on my own."

With my teacher leaving me to my own devices, I resumed my work. The pile of quizzes I needed to grade began to shrink by the minute.

While I continued my work, my mind went back to Vargas' camp proposal. It had been too long since I went camping, let alone spend time in the woods. The last time I did that, I was still a kid. I remembered how much I enjoyed climbing all of the trees and pretending I was on an epic adventure, just like the fairytales I read. I would grab any long stick I could find and pretend it was a sword. Besides, Grim would be able to come along too.

Maybe it won't be so bad if I went.

The subtle door creaking caught my attention. I expected to see my teacher make his return, but instead a certain black cat made an entrance.

"Lucius? What're you doing here?" I looked up and down the hallway, hoping to see Mr. Trein. It was rare to see the two of them separated.

I glanced back at the visitor, only to not see him on the floor, but on the shelves.

"Lucius, get down from there!" I urged, but my worry only made the cat begin to climb on the higher shelfs.

If something happened to one of the potions or ingredients on the shelf, I would be on the receiving end of Mr. Crewels' pointer. If something happened to Lucius, Mr. Trein would never allow me to forget it.

The cat began to approach a certain bottle holding a shimmering magenta liquid. I worked on that potion for weeks and Mr. Crewel was supposed to evaluate it today.

Lucius walked beside it, making the bottle teeter-totter on the edge of the shelf.

I would use up too much time to grab a chair to reach it. I did the only thing I could and positioned myself to catch the bottle as it wobbled and fell out of the shelf.

The potion slipped through my fingers. My heart dropped at the glass shattering on the floor. The last thing I recalled was the could of pink smoke that surrounded me.

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