Wedding Bells with a Twist Part 2

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I fought against the restraints binding my wrists behind my back as the ghost guards pushed me down the hall towards the cafeteria.

Initially, I thought the ghosts from my dorm were attempting to pull a prank on me. They spoke and acted differently while wearing white guardsmen uniforms and said I was the bride-to-be of their king. However, the entry of a ghost wearing a white tuxedo and a silver crown made me become aware this was not child's play. In just a few seconds, I was enclosed in a ring of ghostly guards.

Had it not been for the lunar eclipse, I could have banished these intruders off the school grounds by now. Instead, I allowed myself to be captured and carried off the main school building.

The doors to the cafeteria parted, revealing a beautifully decorated wedding venue. Flowers and streamers of white, blue, and lavender decorated the walls. The tables were decorated with azure roses and other décor fitting the color scheme. An aisle split the room in half and brought us to the heart of the room, the altar.

The ghost with the crown gasped once he saw me, "My moon and stars is here!"

"Can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"It's me, your beloved King Maximilian. You don't remember?"

"Why would I remember you if I don't even know you? Now, I'd like an explanation as to why you kidnapped me."

He placed a hand over his chest, appearing offended at my accusation, "Kidnap you? My darling, I rescued you from this horrible world."

"Your wife may have been a fan of the yandere act, but I got news for you sweetheart, I'm not. And don't call me 'my darling,' you don't get that privilege."

"How can my-"

"If the next words are 'my moon and stars,' my love,' or any other disgusting, cringy, cheesy, pet name, I don't want to hear it."

King Max proceeded to tell his tragic backstory which I was extremely disinterested in. He was saying something about searching for his wife among those in the Land of the Living. According to his twisted logical thinking, because I looked like a copy of his queen, it meant I was a reincarnated version of her and therefore, could be reunited with him in holy matrimony. Apparently, I was also supposed to remember all the lovey-dovey stuff the two did together when they were still alive.

He cleared his throat, "We have many preparations to make for the wedding and very little time."

"Absolutely not!" my shout stunned all of the ghosts decorating the cafeteria. "I will not be married to you."

The king looked at me in further confusion, "Why not?"

"First of all, I'd like to be married after I'm finished with school and with someone who's alive. Second of all, you can't marry someone you just met simply because they look like your wife. Lastly, the whole kidnapping act is absolutely not romantic."

Max's expression became cold as he nodded towards one of the guards beside me. The cloth placed over my mouth muffled my screams of protest.

"Very soon, you and I shall be husband and wife," the ghost king's hand traveled through my hair, "After all these centuries, I shall finally be reunited with my love."

A sensation of pins and needles traveled throughout my body, making me feel numb. Black spots began to quickly cloud my vision and any noise became distorted. My legs gave out and sleep overtook me.



"If I'm going to be a bride, you could've at least put me in something more flattering."

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