Don't Kid Around Finale

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After a spell to change out of the dress that was ten sizes too small, I tried to recall what I could.

I remembered trying to get Lucius down from the shelves. I remembered the potion I had been working on and falling on me. Now, I was back in my bed in my dorm.

I paced back and forth in my room, trying to remember even the smallest detail of what happened. Nothing.

The muffled sounds of chatter drew me to the first floor. I carefully stepped down each stair as I tried to overhear the conversation.

"Let me see if I got this right," I heard Grim's voice, "The pawn can only move one or two spaces, the knight's movements are shaped like an 'L', the bishop goes diagonally, and the rook moves in a straight line."

"You forgot the king and queen," another voice spoke.

Why is Leona here?

"Those are easy. The queen can go anywhere she wants and the king is weak."

There was a brief silence from Leona before he said, "Run that by me again."

"It doesn't make sense. The queen can go in any direction she wants for however many spaces she wants. The king only moves one space at a time, and that's the most sought after chess piece?"

"It's just the way the game was designed. Chess is a game of strategy and learning your opponent's next move."

I leaned against the doorway leading to the lounge, "Having fun you two?"

"Cassie!" Grim jumped down from the coffee table and ran towards me, wrapping his paws around my leg.

"Did you have a good nap, witch?" Leona asked.

"What are did you-what're you doing here?"

"Can't you tell?" Leona gestured towards the chess board on the table beside a plate of meatballs, "I'm playing a game of chess with your little furball. I can see why you have him as your familiar," he used a toothpick to pick up a meatball and pop it in his mouth. "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed him for a bit, would you?"

I glared at Leona in annoyance, "Touch Grim without my permission and I'll dislocate your hand."

He leaned back onto the couch and laughed, "Relax, witch. It was just a joke," Leona examined the board and moved a chess piece, "Although I expected you to threaten to cut off and pickle my fingers."

"What're you talking about?"

"You really don't remember? That's a little hard to believe."

I only looked at Leona in further confusion, "What am I supposed to remember?"

Leona looked to Grim, "Can you get the witch and I a couple of drinks? I think she's going to need one."

"Two hot chocolates coming up!" Grim excitedly ran for the kitchen.

"Don't forget the cinammon, please!" I said as I took a seat on the couch opposite from Leona.

Leona folded his arms as he leaned back on the couch, "From what do you need protection from? I don't bite."

I rose my brows in surprise at his knowledge of that particular fact, "You remembered?"

"I pay attention to a lot more than you think, witch," Leona readjusted himself in his seat, "Now, be prepared for what I'm about to share with you."


The following day, Trey, Vil, and Lilia gave me their own accounts of what happened when I ran into them at school. Or rather, they asked me if I was okay before proceeding to tell me of the things I did. Although I was relieved I did not cause them too much trouble, I was embarassed for the actions of my child self. Though, for my third year friends, my little mishap was rather endearing.

Trey continued his teasing while I attended Heartslabyul's Unbirthday Party, but he kept it subtle. I was just grateful he did not tell Ace and Deuce about it. I could already have imagined the stream of jokes that would have come out of the two freshmen.

Rook and Lilia were both intrigued by my behavior as a six year old and wanted to know more about my childhood. Vil wanted to know if I would be willing to be a part of one of his club's upcoming films.

Malleus did not say anything to me. Rather, each time I passed him in the hallway or spotted him in the courtyard, he smugly grinned in my direction.

However, there was one person I was a little more worried about.

For as long as I have been Mr. Crewel's student aide, I never had any mishaps occur in the lab. In alchemy class, he did not pay me any attention, but I worried what he would say or do when it would be just him and I during my elective class. I even prepared something in order to cushion the blow.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Crewel," I greeted as I entered the classroom. "About yesterday, I'm so-"

"No need for apologies, Salvatori. You did nothing wrong," Mr. Crewel said.

"Nothing wrong? I couldn't get Lucius to come down and I didn't catch the potion in time."

"That cat is Trein's responsibility, not yours. As far as the potion goes, accidents in the lab can happen. I'm just glad it was not a dangerous potion that spilled on you and it wore off on its own. The only thing I would suggest is having the potion further in the shelf."

I nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Now, what are you hiding behind your back?"

I brought the jar out and set it on his desk.

"You were willing to resort to bribery?"

"Of course not, sir. I just coincidentally made raisin butter last night and I wanted to share."

Mr. Crewel opened the jar and gave it a whiff, the corners of his mouth curling up into the slightest of smiles. "I think this makes up for you calling me old."

"O-Old?! When did I do that?!"

"When you turned into a child, you said I must be old since I had a lot of white hairs."

My heart pounded harder against my chest and my breath hitched. "Sir, I-"

"Relax, Salvatori. No harm was done. Thank you for the raisin butter," he searched through one of his drawers, "I believe I have some pita chips to eat this with."

I quickly changed the subject, "What do I need to do today?"

"I'm ahead for class prep and grading, so use the time however you wish."

With that being said, I took out one of my books from my bag and sat myself in a corner of the room. I only had a couple of chapters left and I was determined to finish it today.

I was only a few pages in when Mr. Vargas barged into the classroom, once again. This time, his entrance was not as loud from the previous day, "Salvatori, I need to have a word with you."

"If it's about the camp, I haven't thought about it yet and you gave me until the end of the week."

"It's not about that, I wanted to discuss this 'free-pass' you mentioned yesterday. I think I thought of something even better."

Keeping my finger in between the pages of my book as a place holder, I looked up to the coach. "Alright, what is it?"

"I will give you all of my training secrets. This is not something I will tell students."

"You agreed to the terms if I decided to help you, I'm not changing them."

The coach rested his hands on his hips, "Who are you? Someone from Octavinelle?"

"No, I'm a witch who'd like to get back to her reading," I diverted my attention back to my book, "Have a good day, coach."

The physical education teacher turned to Mr. Crewel, "And you have her as a student aide?"

Mr. Crewel scooped some raisin butter into a pita chip and took a bite, "You're just jealous you don't have one."

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