Glorious Masquerade Part 2

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Since there were twelve of us in total, we were randomly paired with somebody to share a room with for the duration of our stay. For these three days, Deuce and I would be roommates. Jamil did not seem too pleased when he discovered that he and Azul would be a pair. Sebek nearly threw a fit that Rook was selected as Malleus' roommate, but was slightly at ease when he saw his own room, which he would share with Silver, was across from his young lord's. Of course, he would need to share it with Riddle. Ruggie and Epel seemed to be the only ones content with their pairing.

Our room was very minimalistic in terms of decorating, if anyone would count a pair of floating bookshelves on the wall as decorations. It was large enough in size for Deuce and to move around in, but it would quickly become crowded if we invited another friend or two. Two twin beds were stationed across from one another with two nightstands in between them. A large glass window allowed the sunlight to brighten the room and fresh air come in . On one side of the room was modest sized bathroom and a closet which also functioned as a changing room.

"How's your headache?" Deuce asked as we began to unpack our belongings.

"Much better. I put some rose water on my forehead and it seems to have helped."

"Rose water?"

"It's a great toner for the skin and it helps alleviate headaches."

"Pomefiore teach you that or is that a witchy thing?"

I shrugged, "Knowing how to use one ingredient for a hundred different things...probably a witchy thing."

"Is it also a witchy thing for you to feel sick one minute then completely fine the next?"

I stared at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Deuce's expression became serious as he took a seat beside me on my bed, "Cassie, what's really going on?"

With no way of convincing him otherwise, I told him the history of the Witch Inquisitor. By the time I finished, it seemed Deuce's spirit had completely left him.

"That's crazy," he ran his hand through his hair, "But...the judge was seen as the hero."

"Well, sometimes the "heroes" don't seem as heroic once we hear the other side of the story."

"I'm curious, does this have anything to do with the reaction you had earlier? You didn't look like yourself."

I thought about it, "I think Rollo might have a huge part in the equation."

In the beginning, I thought there was something in Noble Bell College's grounds. Maybe some kind of protective ward against witches. However, when I moved away from Rollo, the pounding in my head began to lessen. After a few minutes, it disappeared completely. When Rollo passed by mine and Deuce's room, the feeling returned, but it was not as intense as before.

I was already suspicious of receiving an invitation. It did not make sense for someone like me to be invited when there were so many other options at Night Raven College, some of which might be more acceptable.

Who would pick the witch who was chosen instead of her brother to attend a wizard school exchange event?

Not to mention, Malleus was invited as well. The evening I received my invitation, he visited my dorm. The sparkle in his eyes was brighter than usual and he could hardly sit still. I did not want this experience to be ruined for him. Or any of my friends.

"Do you think there's something else going on?" Deuce worried. "Maybe something that involves you and Malleus?"

"I don't know, but either way, I'm not letting my guard down while we're here."

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