Sick Day Part 1

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"So, the stories were true," Lilia said in amazement, "Our own Cassandra taught the freshmen and upperclassmen the history of witchcraft."

"How did they react to it?" Malleus wondered, "Witchcraft isn't something taught about in textbooks."

I replied, "Mr. Trein excused me from my classes tomorrow so I could teach all of his remaining classes about witchcraft."

"How did it feel? Teaching others?"

I lightly bounced in my seat, the excitement of standing up in front of the class filling me up once again, "It was the greatest thing! I can't wait for tomorrow."

Just like the first years, the third years showed just as much curiosity and enthusiasm about the topic. The list of questions coming from the students only grew as the class went on.

After the lecture's conclusion, Mr. Trein told me he would discuss with the School Board of Magical Education modifying the curriculum for future classes, so they too will know about the history and impact of witchcraft.

Mr. Crewel on the other hand encouraged me to consider a career in teaching.

"My nonna always told me, 'To be a witch is to be a giver, protector, healer, and teacher,'" I said, "So, I guess I'm fulfilling my job description."

Malleus rested his chin on his hand and looked at me in adoration, "You've done so much more than that."

To prevent myself from turning into a puddle, I diverted my attention towards cleaning up the dinner table. I noticed two plates which were relatively full, "Silver, Sebek, is the food not to your liking?"

"N-no, everything's delicious," Silver tried to reassure me, but it seemed every bite of mushroom risotto he took was forced. Even the majority of Sebek's food remained untouched.

Normally the two students helped themselves to seconds and even thirds. Now, the two of them seemed to be having the appetite of a toddler.

"Are the two of you feeling okay? You're looking a little flushed," my concern wouldn't leave me, "Did you train too hard the other day? Have you gotten enough sleep? Are you taking your vitamins?" I immediately stopped myself from sounding like a mother worried after her children.

"We feel fine, there's no need to worry about us," Sebek replied, though he appeared a little sluggish.

I stood up from my seat and placed the back of my palms to their foreheads, "You're hot."

Grim chortled, "You should be saying that to Malleus."

"Stop it," I glared at my familiar before I focused again on the two bodyguards, "Both of you need to rest. No guarding duty until you get better," I cleared their plates, "I'll make you some soup that's easy on the stomach."

"Preposterous!" Sebek abruptly rose from his seat in protest, "My apologies, Lady Cassie, but I cannot abandon my post..." Sebek was about to continue, but he sat back down and pressed his hand to his forehead.

"Are you feeling unwell, Sebek?" Malleus asked.

"I'm alright, my lord," though, Sebek refused to make eye contact with the Crown Prince. "I just stood up a little too quickly and a hint of dizziness came over me. It's nothing I can't handle."

I turned to glance at Silver, only to find him snoozing in his seat. I noticed the beads of sweat forming behind his neck and on the sides of his forehead, "Grim, do we have any more pyrexia pebbles? The ones that dissolve?"

Grim opened a cabinet and pulled out a glass jar with a handful of turquoise beads, "We got 'em! Did you wanna make a decoction?"

"We'll make an infusion since it takes a much shorter  amount of time to prepare," I considered what else I would need, "Can you also get basil from the garden? We'll need rain water and the other usual ingredients for a sickness remedy."

"Yes, Ms. Cassie, ma'am!" Grim said before he went outside.

"What are you planning to make?" Malleus asked.

"Just a little potion to help with the cold Silver and Sebek have going on."

"I think I'll help out as well! I'll head back to the dorm and make them some food," Lilia said before he disappeared.

Malleus and I exchanged worried glances. Whatever dish Lilia came back with, it had to be disposed of as quickly and discreetly as possible.

"I goh da bahil!" Grim returned with the herbs in his mouth, "We got a bit of a problem though, Cassie. We don't have any more rain water."

Though the gloomy skies outside seemed promising to provide precipitation, I did not want to wait. Not to mention, the purification process the water would need to go through for it to be safe for ingestion was quite time consuming. I also had no idea when the rain would decide to come down from its home in the skies.

The sooner I got to making that potion, the better.

I needed that water, now.

I looked over all of the other items I would need in order to make the medicine and saw the rain water was not the only ingredient I was out of stock of. I already planned to make a trip to the student store this week, but looked like it would need to happen today.

Once Silver and Sebek were tucked in bed in the guest bedrooms, I instructed Grim, "Keep an eye on those two. Do not let them leave their rooms."

"Am I authorized to use force?" Grim acted like he was cracking his knuckles.

I gave him a pat on the head, "Whatever your heart desires, my friend."

"Hey! Correction! It's best friend!"

"May I escort you as well?" Malleus offered, "I wouldn't want you to carry all of those ingredients on your own."

"I love your company, Mal, but it's going to be a quick errand and I don't have a lot to buy," I grabbed my purse and jacket, "Besides, if Silver and Sebek decide to make a getaway, you're the only person they'll listen to."

"Fair point. In that case," Malleus began to clean up the remnants on the dinner table, "I'm anticipating your return, Enchantress."


Besides the botanical gardens and the library, Mr. Sam's shop was another one of my favorite places on campus. There was something comforting about being surrounded by all sorts of peculiar, magical objects and the smell of incense.

If it weren't the crowd of students that visited everyday, I would use this place as my own private spot.

Fortunately for me today, I entered to find the store free of customers.

"Hey, my little imp!" Mr. Sam greeted, "I just got a delivery of new essential oils you're sure to love!"

"Hi, Sam. As much as I'd love to see those, I'm actually here on business."

I showed the shop owner my list and he quickly got to work. As expected, my basket was quickly filling up thanks to Sam's extensive stock.

Finally, I finally reached the last item, "All I need is rain water."

"Rain water? Oh, I'm afraid I sold my last bottle to another student, little missy."

Just fantastic.

One way or another, I would not return to my dorm without the bottle of rain water. "Do you remember who bought it?"

After he scratched his head in concentration, Sam replied with, "The Dorm Leader of Octavinelle."

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