Swap Day Finale

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"Silver?" I tapped the snoozing student on the shoulder, "Silver?"

He jolted awake, "Apologies, Cassie."

"You spent the whole day at Savanaclaw. I can't imagine how exhausted you must be."

"Do you want to head out to the dorm early, Silver?" Lilia asked.

He shook his head, "I'll stay and help clean up, it's only proper. Being at Savanaclaw today helped me realize I need to work on my strength training regimen."

A thought occurred to me, "By the way, while you were there, did you see Epel?"

"Felmier went to Savanaclaw?" Malleus asked in confusion.

Silver nodded, "He seemed to having a good time."

I would need to get ahold of Jack later to find out what exactly Epel did.

I turned to Sebek, "I heard from Azul you did extremely well in Octavinelle."

"I want to do everything I can to be the best retainer for Lord Malleus," Sebek gathered our empty cups of tea from the table and began to wash them in the sink.

Malleus looked to me, "Tell me about Ignihyde."

"It was incredible."

While we were jamming to Gakemo, Idia and I updated Ortho's software and swapped out some parts of his hardware for newer ones. As we worked, he explained to me what each component did and how they played a part in Ortho's functionality. I found it extremely fascinating how all those separate components with their own distinct functions could work together harmoniously to allow Ortho to properly function. Afterwards, we brought the swapped out parts were brought to the dorm's lab, so they may be recycled or repurposed. There, I was even more intrigued about the different sorts of technomantic equipment. Before I knew it, it was time for me to leave the dorm.

"Sounds like you lot had quite the exciting day," Lilia said, "Things were a little too peaceful in Diasomnia, but I got to catch up on some of my favorite games."

While Silver, Sebek, and Lillia were engaged in conversation, I leaned over to Malleus ,"I have a present for you. Follow me." I rose from the couch and he followed me to my room. I handed him a blue metallic cubed shaped box.

Malleus continued to examine the cube, "You made this?"

"I had some help from Idia. He showed me how to put the whole thing together and how to program it."

"What does it do?"

I pointed at the tiny blue button on the side, "All you have to do is push this to find out."

Malleus did as I told him. As soon as he pressed it, the top of the cube flipped open. Rising on a small round platform, two figures spun with each other as music began to play. He held up the box slightly higher as a means to admire it a little better.

His lips curved into a smile as he recognized the tune, "This was the first song you and I played together."

"I know, technology's not really your thing, but I kind of thought to...it's okay if you don't like it...I just thought..."

His hand gently enveloped mine and his thumb stroke the back of my palm, making my worries about him disliking the gift fade, "Thank you, Enchantress. I shall treasure this always."

"I'm glad you like it."

A small smile appeared on his face at an idea, "Since Swap Day has yet to conclude...how would you like to be Diasomnia's Dorm Leader?"

"Wait, really?!"

"Only if you wish it."

I excitedly nodded, "Yes, please."

As he gently spun me around, I was enveloped my Malleus' magic.

The sleeves of my blue top lengthened and became black and green. A thick black choker wrapped around my neck and gloves decorated with thorny vines and roses covered my arms. A cape, which nearly reached the floor, draped over one shoulder and was connected to a pin shaped like a dragon. Neon green streaks ran down my skirt and my chain belt now carried three spools of silver thread. My black ankle boots now reached above my knees and were accented with green.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but softly gasp, "I'm you in another font."

He chuckled, "Yes, but smaller and cuter," standing behind me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, "Given that sparkle in your gaze, you must have an idea of some sorts."

"I do," I admitted, "would you care to join me?"

He leaned a little closer, "What did you have in mind?"


"Cassie!" Grim called out from the first floor, "Diasomnia's leaving! Come say goodbye!"

The cape from the uniform flowed as I made my way downstairs. I made an attempt to imitate Malleus' posture and the power he held in his gaze. Judging by everyone else's widened eyes and slightly ajar mouths, I accomplished my mission.

When I spoke, Malleus' voice came out, "Shall we depart then?"

"Lord Malleus?! Wha-what happened to you?!" Silver exclaimed.

"You're making the most curious face, Silver. Is something wrong?"

The three members of Diasomnia exchanged confused looks with one another. No one had a clue as to how to approach the situation.

Sebek leaned down and whispered to Lilia, "Did the Young Lord and Cassie switch bodies? What's going on?!"

"I don't know," Lilia shrugged before he looked to me, "If you're here, where's the other one?"

In response, my own voice was heard from the steps above, "Over here, Lilia." Everyone's eyes trailed up to see Malleus in a white suit embellished with gold flowers. Like his dorm uniform, a white cape draped over one of his shoulders and a silver circlet wrapped around his head, "Goodness, what's all the fuss about?"

"What kind of freaky spell is this?!" Grim was on the verge of losing his mind.

"I'm right here, Grim," Malleus knelt down to pet my familiar, but Grim swatted his hand away. Malleus pouted at my familiar's action, "Well, that was very rude."

"I like you, but I want my Cassie back. Now."

Sebek stepped up, "I need my Young Lord back too."

"This is incredible!" Lilia clutched his stomach in a fit of laughter.

I could no longer keep a straight face and it seemed neither could Malleus. What started as lighthearted chuckles became a fit of laughter. The spell which changed our voices faded and we our original clothes returned.

I said, "I think Swap Day might be my new favorite day."

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