Beanfest Part 3

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With Jack, Azul, and myself fully equipped with camo jackets and weapons, we snatched farmers left and right. While I used my net launching bow, Jack wore a grabbing arm which would increase in size, allowing him to catch multiple farmers in one swoop. With Azul's field scanner goggles, we could know the locations of other members of both teams within a certain radius.

As long as we stayed together, any attacks from the farmers would be pointless. We could rid of any competitor that crossed our path and victory would be ours.

We barely finished with another group of farmers when a we ran into Riddle and Deuce.

I aimed my net launching bow towards Riddle. It was a hair length away from reaching him when Deuce pushed his dorm leader out of the way and ensured he himself wasn't in the net's path. 

Beans began to rain down on us from behind. Epel emerged from the bushes. Walking beside him, with a camo jacket and bean blaster in hand, was Vil.

No matter what maneuvers Jack, Azul, and I pulled, the beans continued to rain down on us from all directions. Although I knew there was a limit to their ammunition, I wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"Don't let yourself get too close!" Vil told his group, "Get more distance from the enemy. We have the numeric advantage!"

With this battle leading nowhere, I suggested to Azul and Jack, "We should retreat."

Jack looked at me in confusion, "We've almost got them and you want us to tuck our tail and run? Why?!"

"Cassie's right, we shouldn't stay in one place for too long," Azul added, "The way Vil said "more distance" makes me feel uneasy. He could be bluffing, but he could be luring us somewhere. Let's not take any risks."

Jack grunted, "Fine, let's go."

While all of us running away from the scene, it provided an opportunity for several more farmers in hiding to launch their beans. Jack quickly managed to snatch the farmers, while Azul and I focused on blocking their attacks from hitting us. I continued to launch as many nets as I could despite my legs screaming for me to stop.

As soon as the bean fire ceased and no more farmers were in the area, I noticed the absence of my teammates.

Well, there goes our plan of staying together.

I tried to communicate with Azul through the earpiece, "You abandoned me, Mr. Ashengrotto?"

To my relief, he responded immediately, "My apologies, Cassie, I thought you were behind us."

"Can you give me an idea of where you are?"

"We're still in the woods behind campus."

"So, what's the plan now?" 

"Right now, the plan is to take a break. Jack's stamina is completely inhuman."

I heard Jack's voice in the background, "I thought it was normal, okay?"

Azul's voice came back on, "I see Ruggie not too far from where we are. We'll get him to join us."

"Continue on without me." It would be a waste of my time and theirs if we spent the remainder of the day trying to find one another. We needed to ensure the harp remained protected and every last farmer was picked off the field. 

I could handle myself, and I knew at some point, I was bound to meet other members of the monster team. 

Not to mention, it was near the middle of the day. Both sides could not keep their energy levels up until sundown, they were bound to rest at some point.

"If you say so, stay safe, Cassie."

"You as well, Azul. Try not to let Jack run you ragged."

He sighed, "I believe he alread-Jack! Let me know when you plan to take off like that!"

Without a team to back me up, my best option at survival would be to remain in the shadows until I spot reinforcements. Even with my camo, I would be an open target on the ground for anyone to take.

So, I did what anyone else would do in my situation would do: make residence on a tree branch.

The advantageous height would allow me shoot at farmers from a further distance and remain hidden. From what I observed so far, students would hide in the bushes or behind the trees to launch their attacks at a shorter distance.

As a bonus, the tree I chose to claim as sanctuary provide me its red ruby apples as snacks. There wouldn't be any harm in taking a small break.

From my perspective, I caught sight of two panting Savanaclaw farmers. They made the fateful decision to have a seat right underneath my branch.

"No monsters in sight," the first one looked around, "I think we're safe."

"For now at least," the second one wiped off the beads of sweat forming from his forehead, "That Jack Howl's gotta go."

"Howl's not the problem, it's the witch."

"Cassandra?" the second one arched a brow, "Without her magic, she's a weak, defenseless, easy target for us to claim."

I aimed my bow towards them and prepared to launch the net.

The first student's voice began to tremble, "Listen to me, she's crazy fast and you never know when she will attack. Whenever she comes over to play magift with a couple of the other guys, she's a beast on the field. She even has Dorm Leader Leona's respect! If you see her, don't make eye contact. She will read you like a book and knows what's in your heart and soul with those big brown eyes. The next thing you know, she has you down on the ground and you'll hear her sinister, adorable, little giggle. "

I tried to keep myself from not making the slightest noise of laughter.

The second student made a noise to mimic that of a gag, "I think I just threw up in my mouth hearing you talk like that. You got a crush on her or something?"

You having a crush on me will be the worst mistake you ever made, my friend. 

"W-well, I....she's pretty cute and I.."

"Looks like you got the L word."

"Leprosy?" the second student looked in confusion, "Anyway, I don't know if she's taken or she's even into someone like me at all."

"Chicks usually dig jocks right? Just be a man and ask her out already."

"Yeah right, I'll invite her to dinner after I capture her, real romantic. I'll just walk up to her and ask 'Hey, wanna go out with me?'"

In response, I launched my net at the them.

If Azul were here, he'd call them "poor unfortunate souls" as they panicked and struggled to get out.

"I'll have you know jocks aren't quite my type," I spoke, making them look up. I threw their words back at them, "Next time you shouldn't make yourselves such a weak, defenseless, easy target for me to claim."

Noticing they were only getting themselves more tangled in the net, I come down from my branch and helped set them free.

"Thank you," the second student quietly said, "We appreciate it."

"No problem," I said, "Have fun with Coach."

Anyone who was eliminated were to report themselves to the gymnasium for a "special" training session with Coach Vargas. Whatever it was, it had to be a whole lot worse than the 100 sit ups he once made Cater do after he attempted to get out of the mile run by using his unique magic. 

The first student began to fidget with his fingers and his eyes wouldn't meet mine as he approached, "Say...would you....can I take you out to dinner tonight? Say at Mostro Lounge?"

Before I could answer, a familiar deep voice spoke from behind, making the student flinch, "She's mine, go find your own."


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