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i'm always the other twin!

𝘚𝘺𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘦'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝

"Wow" Sarah laughs.

"Hey, guess what? Would you rather...have- I was just imagining you like this just now. It was pretty funny. Would you ima- would you rather...have nipple for eyes or eyes for nipples?" Sarah slurs, completely stoned.

"Imagine if you get really old and your nipples- your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied" Sarah continues, giggling to herself while Kiara and I stare at her in disbelief.

"Is this like your first time smoking or something?" Kiara asks and Sarah pouts.

"No" She says.

"Liar" I scoff.

I lay my head on Kiara's lap and she runs her fingers through my hair, massaging my head.

"Hey, guys..." Sarah speaks up.

"Oh, my God. Enough of the 'Hey, guys!' bullshit! Why'd you do it?" Kiara snaps and I grab her hand, gently rubbing my thumb over her knuckles to calm her down.

"Why did I do what?" Sarah asks cluelessly.

"We were friends. We- we stole beers from your dad's fridge, we watched movies together, we cried about boys. And the next thing I know, I'm watching your birthday party happen from Instagram" Kiara rants.

"It was one party" Sarah shrugs.

"You invited everyone except me. And then you told everybody I was the reason that the party got busted" Kiara states.

"Okay, well, who else would've called the cops?" Sarah retorts.

"You never asked. You just let the rumour go that I was a rat. You were my friend, and then you ghosted me, and I don't even know why! I mean, really, what did I do?" Kiara shrieks.

"You liked me" Sarah says simply and I sit up looking at the girl in confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"When...people get...close to me, I feel trapped. And...I bail. And then I blame them for it" Sarah explains.

"I'm really sorry...and I miss you" She adds.

"Do you think there's a chance that we could be okay again?" She asks hopefully.

"Honestly...I don't know" Kiara replies.

"I can't even listen to this shit" I mutter under my breath, pulling myself to my feet.

"Sylvie" Kiara sighs but I ignore her, walking away.

I end up at the front of the boat and I sit up on the railing, the evening breeze blowing through my blonde waves.

The thought of Kiara forgiving my sister swims around my brain and my heart drops, hating the thought completely.

𝘔𝘖𝘕𝘖𝘊𝘏𝘖𝘗𝘚𝘐𝘚 ❁ 𝘑𝘑 𝘔𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘈𝘕𝘒 & 𝘒𝘐𝘈𝘙𝘈 𝘊𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘌𝘙𝘈Where stories live. Discover now