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po, open your eyes

𝘚𝘺𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘦'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝

As the Pogues are fussing over Pope and I check him over for injuries his eyes widen like saucers and he screams as us to move, diving out of the way and tackling me over with him. The others scatter with screams just as the cross drops in front of us and breaks right through the wooden floorboards right where we all were just sitting.

"Pope, are you okay?" Kiara breathes out once we all process what just happened.

"Hey, you good?" JJ adds worriedly and I turn my head to look at Pope who is still gripping onto me tightly.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just give me, like, one second to, like, catch my breath" Pope assures us.

"You're okay" I assure him, wrapping him in a hug which he accepts and lets out a relieved breath.

"You did it, Pope" John B declares and I look up at the cross, still gently rubbing Pope's back.

"Pope, she's... she's beautiful" JJ adds, placing a hand onto the gold cross with an awed expression on his face.

"I've never seen anything like it" Sarah mutters in disbelief.

"It's like something from a fairytale" I smile down at the Heyward boy proudly and he smiles back at me, pulling himself to sit up next to me.

"Detail's insane" JJ agrees.

"Well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad" John B points out a keyhole on the cross.

"Whoa. Good find. How much do you think she's worth?" JJ questions "Like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, I'm talking like high billions"

"This belongs in a- No! This belongs in a museum" John B argues.

"What? So no one sees her?" JJ pouts.

"In a museum where everyone sees it" John B corrects the blonde.

"Are you kidding?" JJ scoffs in disbelief.

"Hey! It's my ancestors' cross!" Pope pipes up.

"Right, okay. All right, all right. Well..." JJ drawls off.

"It belongs to Pope, and he should get to decide what he wants to do with it" I declare firmly, glaring at the boys who both hold their hands up in surrender while Pope grins at me gratefully.

"This is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth" Pope decides.

"Yes. If we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So saddle up" John B announces.

They all move towards the cross and pull myself to my feet, turning to help Pope who looks pale.

"How you feeling, Po?" I question in concern.

"I'm okay" He nods, but I'm not convinced.

"It's heavy like right here" JJ warns Kiara and Sarah before looking behind him "Wait. Hold on. John B, you're gonna pull, all right? Pull down"

𝘔𝘖𝘕𝘖𝘊𝘏𝘖𝘗𝘚𝘐𝘚 ❁ 𝘑𝘑 𝘔𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘈𝘕𝘒 & 𝘒𝘐𝘈𝘙𝘈 𝘊𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘌𝘙𝘈Where stories live. Discover now