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you give blondes a bad reputation

𝘚𝘺𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘦'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝

Pope and John B tie the pair of guards up and JJ pulls out the phone as Sarah enters the room, checking around to make sure we're all okay. I give her a reassuring smile and she relaxes her shoulders, coming to my side.

"All right, y'all, let me see those mugs. This is going to your boss. Smile" JJ teases the guards as he takes a picture of them "For the record, they thought this plan wasn't going to work"

JJ raises from his crouched position and he winks at me, causing me to shake my head as my lips pull up at one corner.

"All right, just send that to your boss" JJ declares and the phone chimes "Time for stage three. Hostage swap"

"We're gonna give your boss a little ring-a-ling, so hang tight" He tells the guards as he clicks on Singh's number and it starts ringing.

"Mr. Portis. Do you have Ms. Carrera's friends?" Carlos Singh speaks when he answers.

"J?" John B whispers when JJ freezes up and takes the phone from him to reply "Yeah. Yeah, we- we found them"

Cleo signals John B to continue speaking and I wrap my arms around JJ, causing him to do the same as he presses a kiss to my head.

"Listen, my name is John Booker Routledge" John B declares confidently "We have your men tied up, and they're in for a really...really, really harsh time if you don't give us Kiara back right now. Like right now. And I mean that"

"Kill them" Carlos laughs and I look at the phone in surprise.

"What?" John B questions.

"Kill them" Carlos repeats himself "Go ahead and kill them, John Booker Routledge. It doesn't matter to me, you know. Just know that if you do, the hotel is surrounded, you know. All of you inside will die"

Sarah, JJ and I dart to the window and I'm met with the sight of a huge group of guards making their way towards the hotel.

"We gotta go" Sarah warns the others.

"Yeah" JJ agrees.

"We gotta go right now!" Sarah stresses.

"You don't have to tell me twice" I quip, immediately sprinting towards the door with John B  at my side.

"Go, go!" Encourages us to turn left and we scramble out onto a ledge that causes my anxiety to spike severely.

"Fuck that shit" I declare, moving back away from the edge.

"Balcony. Uh, balcony. Bad, so bad" John B agrees with me and we push the others back.

"Go, go, go!" JJ leads us back "Go back to the main entrance!"

But we hear them coming through the front and we're left stood in the hallway, trying to find a way out of this mess.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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