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I will be writing my imagines or you can request an imagine if you'd like.

ALL imagines published in this book are my own. Whether they are requested or my own, I own the work published in this book.

If you want an imagine, send me a message telling me what you want and I'll try to write it to the best of my ability. I don't accept requests that are commented on. It makes it harder to find the request.

I also don't accept requests that have already been requested by yourself another author. If you have already messaged another writer asking for an imagine and you message me asking for the same request, it will not be done.

It isn't fair on either writer as people get accused of copying or stealing work this way.

I write for a character and the reader, there are books for characters and characters together but my book is purely character x reader.

Some information I'll need:

- what you want to happen
- what character you want

I can do different types of imagines

Feel free to add anything else to the imagine that you want and I'll do my best to make it happen ☺️

JOSEPH QUINN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now