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You looked up and there sat Eddie, across the room staring at you. You raised your eyebrow at him and all you got was a smirk back. You rolled your eyes and shook your head before returning to the worksheet in front of you.

Is he still staring at me?

You looked up to see Eddie still sitting there, unmoved staring at you. He smirked at you again before giving you a small wave. You continued to look at him, a staring contest silently breaking out between both of you, the worksheet in front of you completely forgotten.

You sent Eddie a smirk and a wink and watched as his face turned bright red. This caused you to smirk even more and Eddie to shift in his seat.

"Make sure your names are on the top of the worksheets before you hand them in!!" the teacher called out, Eddie's head snapping in her direction. I win.

You quickly scribbled down some of the worksheets before making your way up to the teacher and handing your worksheet in. You made eye contact again with Eddie as you made your way to the front of the room.

"You coming my love?" you asked, making your way over to him.

He smiled before looking at the worksheet and then at you.

"I uh, didn't do the work, I got caught up," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. You started laughing and this caused Eddie to laugh with you.

"Let me help you because I am hungry and want lunch," you said, taking a seat next to Eddie. Instead of looking at the piece of paper, he was looking at you.

"Eddie, I swear to god, if you continue to stare at me, I am going to leave you in this classroom"

"Fine" he huffed before scribbling down the things you were saying, continuing to steal glances in your direction. He walked to the teacher, handed her the sheet and then took your hand, pulling you from the room.

"I just can't help myself. you are just sitting there, with the perfect view. Why would I want to look at a piece of paper when I can look at you?" he asked, grinning at you as he sat down in his chair at the lunch table, pulling you into his lap.

"You should look at that piece of paper so you don't get another detention Eds," you said, stroking the side of his face before pressing a kiss onto his jaw which caused him to groan and grab you tighter.

You were Eddie's weakness in every sense. Nothing made his heart or knees go quite like you. Eddie didn't know how to describe it as anything other than superpowers. You had a hold over him that drove him completely crazy and he loved every second of it.

"But if I get another detention, then I get to come to see you in my shirt in my bed," he said, wiggling his eyebrows causing you to laugh. A large grin broke out on his face. His favourite sound.

"Or you could not get detention, come with me straight from here and have cuddles whilst I wear your shirt. Because I know just how much you enjoy those" you said and he threw his head back groaning.

"Now that is a sight I love to see"

"Which means you have to knock the staring off and do the work" you explained and he nodded silently before leaning his forehead on yours.

"You're just so beautiful it is distracting," he said quietly, looking into your eyes. You smiled at him and stroked his cheek with your hand, him leaning into your touch and sighing contently.

"Then I'll have to ask to transfer," you said and he frantically shook his head.

"No-no-no. Not allowed" he moaned, not breaking eye contact with you.

"Maybe you can just come to sit next to me, that way I know you're close to me and we can work together and that means no detentions definitely," he said grinning and you shook your head laughing.

"Hey Eddie?" you heard Dustin ask, Eddie's head snapping in his direction.

"Yes, Dustin?"

"So, about tomorrow's match," he said, looking uncomfortable.

You felt Eddie tense as you leaned your head on his shoulder pressing a light kiss on his neck. You knew exactly how this was going to go.

"What about it?" he said, venom dripping from every word. Dustin shifted in his seat not wanting to continue.

"Uh, well it is a funny story you see and I don't want to but I and Mike were thinking about" he took a deep breath "postponing"

The entire table erupted in shouts, screams and banging on the table. You continued to press kisses into Eddie's neck, his knuckles turning white as you grabbed his hand and began playing with his fingers.

"SHUT UP!" Eddie shouted and the whole table went silent.

"Eddie my love," you said quietly and he nodded. He had a habit of reacting quickly and you knew Dustin well.

"Dustin, why do you want to postpone?" you asked and Dustin smiled at you sheepishly.

"So uh, apparently it's the championship game or something tomorrow and with Lucas being a player he wants to throw balls into baskets than play," he said grinning at you before you laughed. Eddie pressed a kiss onto your temple softly, smiling at you.

"I'm sure you guys can either move it a day or find a sub, what will it be Eds?" You asked, looking at him for a response. He looked into your eyes, a mini staring contest breaking out between you.

"They'll have to find a sub, we aren't-"

"We can move it a day," Eddie said, his eyes never leaving yours as he cut Gareth off.

"So, you're happy to move the cult of Vecna to another day even though we are-"

"Yep. How about ice cream after school?" Eddie asked, grinning at you before peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle before wrapping your arms around his neck.

"That's if you don't get a detention in English first"

"Sit next to me and you won't have to worry beautiful," he said before pressing his lips to yours.

"We got lucky that she was here or Eddie would have snapped our heads off," Mike said to Dustin.

"No, you got unlucky because Y/N can't make it tomorrow so I am going to rain hell. Sinclair better be there or a sub in his place" Eddie said, looking at the boys with a disapproving looking, clearly unhappy about the situation.

"I already spoke to Y/N and she'll sub if Sinclair can't make it," Dustin said grinning, Eddie's head snapping in your direction.

"You better rain hell tomorrow my love or I am going to be disappointed," you said as you stood up. You pressed a kiss to Eddie's cheek before making your way to the Library, Dustin walking alongside you chatting away.

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